Logic ON: Stop Letting Your Past Define Your Future & How to Prioritize Your Mental Health | Summary and Q&A

October 25, 2021
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Logic ON: Stop Letting Your Past Define Your Future & How to Prioritize Your Mental Health

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In this podcast episode, Jay Shetty interviews Bobby Hall (Logic), a musician, author, and actor. They discuss Logic's journey as a musician, his experiences growing up with addiction and mental illness in his family, and his approach to parenting as a father. They also touch on topics like racism, anxiety, and forgiveness.

Questions & Answers

Q: Tell us about your decision to slow down and focus on your mental and physical health, as well as being there for your family.

Logic explains that he decided to slow down and prioritize his health and family because he had achieved all the milestones he had dreamt of as a musician. He wanted to have a balanced life and enjoy the fruits of his labor after spending years building his career. He acknowledges that it's a constant struggle to find balance, but he values spending time with his family and taking care of his mental and physical well-being.

Q: How did you discover that you could solve a Rubik's cube while freestyling?

Logic shares that he learned how to solve a Rubik's cube by studying algorithms and practicing for hours. One Thanksgiving, he decided to freestyle while solving a Rubik's cube to challenge himself. He successfully combined these two skills and since then, has used it as a way to showcase his talents and unique style.

Q: How did you navigate your challenging childhood and what lessons did you learn from your parents' struggles?

Logic describes his childhood as growing up with addiction, violence, and instability. His parents both had their own issues, including drug addiction and mental illness. Despite the difficult circumstances, Logic credits his ability to break the cycle to a combination of faith, common sense, and self-awareness. He learned from his parents' mistakes and actively chose to make different decisions for his own life.

Q: How did you develop a mindset of forgiveness towards your parents despite the hardships you experienced?

Logic explains that forgiveness came with maturity and personal growth. He learned to separate his parents' behavior from his own sense of self-worth and recognize that their actions were a result of their own struggles and mental health issues. While he acknowledges the pain he endured, he chooses to focus on his own healing and breaking the cycle of dysfunction for his own family.

Q: As a father, what values and principles are you hoping to instill in your son?

Logic expresses that communication is the key value he wants to instill in his son. He believes in open and honest communication as a way to foster understanding and strong relationships. He also emphasizes the importance of not forgetting the experiences and emotions of childhood, and being present and supportive for his son as he grows. Love, compassion, and not taking others' experiences lightly are also crucial values he hopes to pass on.

Q: How did you become aware of racism and its impact as a young person and how did it shape your identity?

Logic shares that he first experienced racism from his own mother, who used racial slurs against him and his siblings. He was raised in a diverse neighborhood where race was not a big issue, but as he entered the music industry, he faced racism and judgment for being a white rapper. He struggled with constantly having to defend his racial identity and faced criticism from those who questioned his authenticity. Despite these challenges, he remains proud of his mixed heritage and embraces his identity as both black and white. He values the importance of self-acceptance and being true to oneself.

Q: How did you learn to cope with anxiety and intrusive thoughts?

Logic reveals that he has dealt with anxiety since he was a teenager. He learned to separate intrusive thoughts from his own true thoughts and recognize that they are not reflections of his character. He emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, accepting anxiety as part of his journey, and seeking help when needed. Logic also mentions that his own experiences with anxiety have allowed him to connect with others on a deeper level and create art that resonates with people going through similar struggles.

Q: What has been your experience with racism in the hip-hop industry?

Logic acknowledges that while hip-hop is built on positivity and self-expression, he faced racism within the industry as a white-passing biracial artist. He recounts instances where he had to constantly defend his racial identity and navigate stereotypes and expectations. Logic shares his frustration with being constantly questioned and misunderstood, but he remains proud of his unique perspective and strives to be authentic in his artistry.

Q: How do you find the strength to stay true to yourself and embrace your individuality despite societal pressure?

Logic believes in being true to himself and being proud of who he is, even if it means facing backlash or criticism. He recounts a conversation with another artist who expressed a desire to be more authentic like Logic and admired his ability to stay true to himself in the face of societal pressure. Logic emphasizes the importance of consistently being oneself and not pretending to be someone you're not.

Q: What advice do you have for others who may be going through similar childhood struggles or facing challenges with mental health?

Logic encourages others who have faced similar struggles to seek therapy or professional help and to prioritize their own healing and growth. He believes in the power of self-awareness and self-acceptance, recognizing that the journey to healing is ongoing. Logic also stresses the importance of having a support system and finding healthy coping mechanisms to deal with mental health challenges.


Logic's journey as a musician and his experiences growing up with addiction and mental illness in his family have shaped his perspective on life and influenced his approach to parenting. He emphasizes the importance of communication, forgiveness, and self-acceptance. Logic's experiences with racism, anxiety, and navigating societal expectations have led him to embrace his true self and be proud of his unique identity. He encourages others to prioritize their mental health, seek help when needed, and stay true to themselves despite societal pressure.

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