Mark Normand: Comedy! | Lex Fridman Podcast #255 | Summary and Q&A

January 8, 2022
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Mark Normand: Comedy! | Lex Fridman Podcast #255


Comedian Mark Normand discusses love, relationships, and the comedy scene in New York, sharing insights on the challenges of maintaining love, the evolution of commitment, and the changing landscape of comedy.

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Key Insights

  • 🥰 Love requires effort and work, similar to maintaining a good body.
  • 🫵 Commitment is viewed by Normand as an outdated concept that may not align with evolving societal norms.
  • 🥺 Relationships can suffer from routine and comfort, leading to drifting apart.
  • 😚 New York has a unique blend of diverse neighborhoods, history, and culture, although it has lost some of its creative edge in recent years.
  • 🕶️ Mark Normand's comedy style is a mix of sharp observation, dark humor, and the ability to find humor in awkward and taboo topics.
  • 🧍 Bombing in stand-up comedy can be a difficult experience, but it is not a failure. It provides valuable data for improving jokes and delivery.
  • 🃏 Crafted jokes should aim for simplicity, with a focus on originality and unexpected twists.
  • 🔨 Comedy is a powerful tool for addressing societal issues and challenging norms.


the following is a conversation with mark normand a new york comedian who has a way with words that is often both dark and hilarious let that be a warning dear friends to proceed with caution and to wear protection you may in fact need it he has a special on his youtube called out to lunch and a new special on netflix as part of the stand up season... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are Mark Normand's thoughts on love and its sustainability?

Normand believes that love can last but requires effort and work, urging people to recognize that it's not always a pre-packaged perfect euphoric experience. He compares it to maintaining a good body, emphasizing the need for constant effort and care.

Q: How does Mark Normand view commitment outside of love and marriage?

Normand sees commitment as an antiquated idea that may not align with the changing societal norms. While he personally leans towards a non-traditional view of commitment, he acknowledges that many women still value the concept and are more inclined towards marriage.

Q: What are some challenges Mark Normand faced in his relationships?

Normand shares a personal story of drifting apart from a long-term relationship due to routine and comfort. He admits to being unfaithful and highlights that the relationship entered a married life autopilot state, making it difficult to break up and move on.

Q: How does Mark Normand view the city of New York and its comedy scene?

Normand sees New York as a magical city that brings together a mix of diverse neighborhoods, history, culture, and entertainment. However, he also acknowledges that the city has changed, with corporate influences and the loss of its creative edge felt by many comedians.

Q: What are Mark Normand's thoughts on love and its sustainability?

Normand believes that love can last but requires effort and work, urging people to recognize that it's not always a pre-packaged perfect euphoric experience. He compares it to maintaining a good body, emphasizing the need for constant effort and care.

More Insights

  • Love requires effort and work, similar to maintaining a good body.

  • Commitment is viewed by Normand as an outdated concept that may not align with evolving societal norms.

  • Relationships can suffer from routine and comfort, leading to drifting apart.

  • New York has a unique blend of diverse neighborhoods, history, and culture, although it has lost some of its creative edge in recent years.

  • Mark Normand's comedy style is a mix of sharp observation, dark humor, and the ability to find humor in awkward and taboo topics.

  • Bombing in stand-up comedy can be a difficult experience, but it is not a failure. It provides valuable data for improving jokes and delivery.

  • Crafted jokes should aim for simplicity, with a focus on originality and unexpected twists.

  • Comedy is a powerful tool for addressing societal issues and challenging norms.

  • The untimely passing of comedians like Norm Macdonald leaves a void in the comedy world, making their unique perspectives and brilliance irreplaceable.


In this conversation with comedian Mark Normand, topics such as love, relationships, New York City, the comedy scene, and the experience of bombing on stage are discussed. Mark provides insights into his thoughts on love and relationships, his own personal experiences with infidelity, his views on marriage, and the changing landscape of New York City. He also touches on the differences between LA and New York comedy scenes and offers advice for aspiring comedians.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are Mark Normand's thoughts on love and relationships?

Mark believes that love can last, but it requires work. He sees love as something that is not pre-packaged and perfect, but more like a good body that needs to be maintained. He acknowledges that many people don't want to put in the work that love requires.

Q: Can love last forever?

Mark believes that love can last, but it requires effort and work. He compares love to a good body that needs to be kept in shape. While many people want love to be effortless and euphoric, Mark believes that it takes continuous effort and maintenance to keep a loving relationship alive.

Q: What was Mark Normand's experience with infidelity in a past relationship?

Mark shares a story about being unfaithful to a previous girlfriend after being together for 12 years. He explains that their relationship had become more like routine and comfort rather than love. They went to therapy to try to work things out, but the damage caused by the infidelity was irreparable.

Q: What are Mark's thoughts on commitment and marriage?

Mark considers marriage to be an antiquated idea and believes that it is unrealistic. He sees a shift away from traditional marriage as society becomes more open to polyamory and non-binary relationships. Mark acknowledges that many women still prefer the idea of marriage, but personally, he finds it silly and unrealistic.

Q: What are Mark's thoughts on New York City and its creative scene?

Mark describes New York City as a place with a rich history and a mix of different neighborhoods and cultures. He believes that the city has lost some of its creative edge as it becomes more commercialized, but he remains hopeful that it will regain its vibrancy in the future. He sees New York City as the epicenter of America, where immigrants came and where the stock market, entertainment industry, and finance are located.

Q: How does Mark Normand view bombing on stage in comedy?

Mark describes bombing on stage as a painful and brutal experience. He explains that the validation comedians receive when they do well on stage makes bombing even harder to bear. However, he believes that bombing is not failure but rather an opportunity to learn and improve. Mark compares bombing to pulling a bad cake out of the oven and realizing that it needs tweaking and adjusting.

Q: What advice does Mark Normand offer to aspiring comedians getting started?

Mark advises aspiring comedians to rehearse their material thoroughly and to be prepared for the challenges of open mics and bombing. He emphasizes the importance of repetition and treating comedy as a craft that requires constant refinement. Mark also suggests being aware of how the audience perceives the comedian and the importance of finding one's own unique style and originality in comedy.

Q: What are some differences between LA and New York comedy scenes?

Mark explains that the LA comedy scene is more focused on individual fame and stardom, whereas the New York comedy scene is more like a boot camp for comedians. He describes New York as a place where comedians come together to make great and original comedy, while LA is more about competition and individual success.

Q: How does Mark Normand view the role of self-criticism and self-love in comedy?

Mark acknowledges that he has a self-critical nature and often includes elements of self-deprecation in his comedy. He believes that self-criticism is necessary for growth and improvement as a comedian. However, he also points out the dangers of having too much self-criticism and the importance of finding a balance between self-improvement and self-acceptance. Mark sees self-love as something that can hinder comedic growth because it may lead to complacency and a lack of drive to push oneself further.

Q: How does Mark Normand view the culture and dynamics of New York City?

Mark sees New York City as a vibrant and diverse place full of interesting characters and stories. He appreciates the energy, pace, and mixture of different neighborhoods and cultures. Mark believes that New York City has its own unique soul and spirit that cannot be found anywhere else. He acknowledges that it can be challenging and overwhelming at times, but he believes in the magic and allure of the city.


Mark Normand provides insights into the world of comedy, relationships, and the city of New York. He highlights the importance of perseverance and the willingness to learn from failure in pursuing a career in comedy. Mark's views on love and relationships shed light on the realities of maintaining a loving partnership. He shares personal experiences and reflections on his own relationships, showcasing the complexity and challenges of long-term commitment. Additionally, Mark discusses the changing landscape of New York City and the impact it has on creative industries such as comedy. He emphasizes the unique energy and mixture of cultures that make the city special while acknowledging its commercialization. Overall, Mark Normand's perspective offers a glimpse into the world of comedy and the inner workings of a comedian's mind.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Mark Normand believes that love requires work and effort, comparing it to maintaining a good body.

  • He shares a personal experience of drifting apart from a long-term relationship, highlighting the challenges of maintaining love in the face of routine and comfort.

  • Normand expresses his views on commitment, seeing it as an antiquated idea that may no longer align with evolving societal norms.

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