Many People are Einstein but in the Patent Clerk Days - François Chollet | AI Podcast Clips | Summary and Q&A

September 24, 2019
Lex Fridman
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Many People are Einstein but in the Patent Clerk Days - François Chollet | AI Podcast Clips


The notion of an AI achieving exponential intelligence growth through iterative self-improvement is flawed because intelligence emerges from the interaction between the brain, body, and environment, and simply tweaking the brain alone does not make sense.

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Key Insights

  • 🧠 Intelligence Explosion: Building general AI problem-solving algorithms can lead to exponentially increasing intelligence as AI improves its own algorithms iteratively, questioning the notion of intelligence explosion based on an implicit definition of intelligence that doesn't consider the interaction between a brain, body, and environment.
  • 🌍 Environment and Intelligence: Intelligence emerges from the interaction between a brain, body, and environment, making it necessary to improve the environment along with the brain to create significantly smarter AI systems.
  • 🤔 Limits of Human Intelligence: The theoretical limit of human intelligence may not be the brain itself, as the capabilities of very smart people today are not necessarily limited by their brains, but rather by the problems they encounter and solve.
  • ♂️ Shrouded in Mystery: The field of AI and intelligence lacks concrete definitions and is often based on subjective feelings. The logic behind exponential improvement doesn't feel right, and there is a need for a more explicit understanding of the brain-environment system.
  • 💡 Meeting of Capabilities and Problems: Intelligence is the meeting of problem-solving capabilities with a suitable problem. Without the coupling, potential intelligence remains unexpressed, and the brain's IQ is just a measure of potential rather than demonstrated intelligence.
  • 🔥 Genius' Potential: Many individuals today may possess genius-level intelligence but don't express it due to the lack of appropriate problems to solve. Einstein's genius was manifested through a meeting of his capabilities with the problem of relativity.
  • 🌌 Universe of Problems: The world and the universe are filled with problems of various difficulties, and intelligent agents like humans and animals navigate through them, demonstrating their intelligence when confronted with suitable problems.
  • 🔢 IQ is Just a Number: Quoting IQ as a measure of intelligence is limited, as it only represents potential intelligence without considering the meeting of problem-solving capabilities and actual problems. The expression of intelligence requires the coupling of capabilities and problems.


so yes winters explosion I'm sure if Mei was the idea but it's the idea that if you were to build general AI problem-solving algorithms well the problem of building such in the eye that itself is a problem that could be solved by your AI and maybe it could be so better than that and what humans can do so you're a I could start tweaking its own algo... Read More

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