MAJOR YouTube Updates Happening RIGHT NOW - MUST WATCH | Summary and Q&A

August 10, 2023
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
MAJOR YouTube Updates Happening RIGHT NOW - MUST WATCH


YouTube is removing the ability to click links in YouTube shorts, but will introduce content links to direct viewers to other content on your channel.

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Key Insights

  • 🍰 YouTube is addressing spam and offsite directing by removing the ability to click links in YouTube shorts.
  • 🍻 Channel profile links offer an alternative for creators, allowing them to include visible links on their channel page.
  • 💨 Content links in YouTube shorts provide a new way for creators to direct viewers to specific content on their channel.
  • 💁 Creativity in utilizing content links can help drive traffic to long form videos, affiliate sales, or sponsored content.
  • 🫵 YouTube's updates aim to promote longer viewing sessions, which is crucial for channel growth.
  • 🍻 Creators should start thinking about strategies to make the most of channel profile links and upcoming content links.
  • 🍻 Compliance with YouTube's external link policy is still necessary when using any type of link on the platform.


  • YouTube has three major updates that are rolling out. Two of them are happening right now as you're watching this video, and one of them is coming in September. All of them are important and they matter to you as a content creator, so I'm gonna tell you everything that you need to know and we're starting right now. The first thing is that YouTube... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is YouTube removing the ability to click links in YouTube shorts?

YouTube is removing links in shorts to address issues with spam and offsite directing, creating a better viewing experience for users.

Q: How can creators still include links in their shorts?

Creators can use the channel profile links feature, which allows for up to 12 visible links on their channel page that viewers can access.

Q: Can channel profile links be useful for creators working with sponsors?

Yes, creators can include multiple sponsor links in their channel profile, although they will be competing with other links for visibility.

Q: What are content links in YouTube shorts?

Content links are direct links to any content on a creator's YouTube channel, such as live streams, long form videos, and other shorts.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • YouTube is removing the ability to click links in YouTube shorts to combat spam and offsite directing.

  • Channel profile links will replace header links, allowing for up to 12 links to be visible on your channel page.

  • Content links will be introduced in September, allowing creators to direct viewers to specific content on their channel.

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