Losing a Child to Distracted Driving and Caring for a Husband with ALS | Eileen Miller | TEDxGCSOM | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
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Losing a Child to Distracted Driving and Caring for a Husband with ALS | Eileen Miller | TEDxGCSOM


A mother's heartbreaking story of losing her son to distracted driving, leading to advocacy for change.

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Key Insights

  • 😒 Distracted driving leads to preventable accidents, with cell phone use being a significant contributor.
  • 👪 ALS diagnosis added another layer of tragedy to the family's already devastating situation.
  • 🎓 Awareness and education are crucial in combating distracted driving and its fatal consequences.
  • 🥺 Personal tragedies can lead to impactful advocacy work and initiatives for societal change.
  • 😀 Family's resilience in the face of multiple traumatic events highlights the strength found in advocacy and support networks.
  • 🥰 Advocacy efforts serve as a tribute to the lost loved one, creating a legacy of awareness and prevention.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Caregiver challenges and burnout are common in situations involving long-term health issues like ALS.


on July 5th of 2010 our life was tragically changed um my son his whole life was in criminal justice and my son was in college and went to East Stroudsburg University and on July 4th he walked in the door at three o'clock he worked two jobs one was working with me and another one he was working at garrity's and he was going to a party because it wa... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the mother find out about her son's fatal car crash?

The mother learned about her son's tragic death from state troopers who arrived at her home and conveyed the devastating news of the fatal crash on Route 33.

Q: What are the key statistics and facts shared regarding distracted driving?

The narrative highlights that distracted driving leads to over 3,000 fatalities annually, with distracted drivers being six times more likely to cause accidents compared to drunk drivers.

Q: How did the son's fatal crash impact the family members?

The family underwent immense trauma, with the mother narrating the heart-wrenching experience of seeing her son's body post-accident and the subsequent emotional toll on the entire family.

Q: What advocacy efforts has the family undertaken following the tragedy?

The family has dedicated their efforts to raising awareness about distracted driving, emphasizing the significant impact of cell phone usage while driving and advocating for safer driving practices.


This video is a heart-wrenching testimony from a mother who lost her son due to distracted driving. She shares the tragic events surrounding the accident and the devastating impact it had on her family. She emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and urges people to prioritize safety on the road.

Questions & Answers

Q: What happened to the speaker's son on July 5th, 2010?

On July 5th, 2010, the speaker's son was involved in a fatal car crash caused by distracted driving. He had attended a party the night before and mistakenly stayed overnight due to the party's location being further than he thought. The next morning, he called his workplace to inform them that he would be late. Unfortunately, he never made it to work as he was killed in the crash.

Q: What were the circumstances of the crash?

The crash occurred on Route 33 in Monroe County. A distracted tractor-trailer driver, who had been seen exhibiting reckless driving behavior prior to the accident, crossed lanes and collided head-on with the speaker's son's car. The impact pushed his car onto an embankment, and a van with 12 passengers subsequently crashed into his vehicle as well.

Q: How did the speaker's son's body end up in the position shown in the photo?

The speaker discovered through online photos that her son's body was dragged along the highway, ultimately coming to rest on a road sign. The severity of the crash caused significant damage to his car and resulted in his body being disentangled in the final position shown in the photo.

Q: What was the cause of the crash?

The crash was attributed to distracted driving, specifically the use of a cell phone. The speaker mentions that her son's cell phone played a significant role in the tragedy. She highlights the fact that distracted driving is entirely preventable and points out that at least 10 people lose their lives each day due to this dangerous behavior.

Q: How did the speaker feel when informed about her son's death?

The speaker describes her initial reaction as shock and disbelief when two state troopers arrived at her home and informed her about the crash. She vividly explains the rush of thoughts and fears that flooded her mind as she realized the severity of the situation.

Q: What obstacles did the speaker encounter when trying to see her son's body?

Initially, the speaker was not allowed to see her son's body. Due to the crash being a criminal case, she was told that she could not visit him. However, she insisted and ultimately went to see him later in the day. She recounts the heartbreaking experience of struggling to recognize her son and having to verify his identity through his clothes.

Q: What did the speaker promise her son when she saw his body?

The speaker whispered in her son's ear that she would find out how he got killed and would fight for change. From that day forward, she has dedicated herself to advocating against distracted driving and seeking justice for her son's death.

Q: What statistics does the speaker share regarding distracted driving?

The speaker provides various statistics related to distracted driving. She states that distracted driving leads to over 3,000 fatalities annually in the United States alone. Furthermore, distracted drivers are nearly six times more likely to cause a car crash compared to drunk drivers. The majority of distracted drivers fall between the ages of 15 to 20.

Q: What does the speaker say about the use of cell phones while driving?

The speaker emphasizes that using cell phones while driving is a significant issue contributing to distracted driving. She mentions that even utilizing hands-free options like Bluetooth can still result in cognitive distraction, as the brain's attention is divided between driving and conversation. She strongly advises turning off cell phones entirely while behind the wheel.

Q: How has the speaker's family been affected by the tragedy?

The speaker reveals that her husband was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or Lou Gehrig's disease in the aftermath of her son's death. The disease has caused her husband's health to decline, leaving him wheelchair-bound and requiring constant care. The family faces numerous challenges associated with caregiving and coping with the devastating effects of the disease.


The speaker's testimony serves as a sobering reminder of the consequences of distracted driving. She urges individuals to prioritize safety by refraining from using cell phones while driving. The devastating impact on her family underscores the need for increased awareness and education on the dangers of distracted driving.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Mother recounts the tragic day her son died in a car crash due to distracted driving.

  • Advocacy efforts to combat distracted driving and raise awareness about its dangers.

  • Family's additional struggle with the husband's diagnosis of ALS after the son's death.

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