Lorentz transformation for change in coordinates | Physics | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

January 30, 2016
Khan Academy
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Lorentz transformation for change in coordinates | Physics | Khan Academy


The video explains how to calculate the change in X prime and C T prime using algebraic manipulation of the Lorentz transformations.

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Key Insights

  • 💱 The change in X prime can be calculated using the formula gamma times change in X minus beta times change in C T.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The Lorentz factor gamma accounts for time dilation and length contraction effects in relativistic scenarios.
  • 💱 The change in C T prime can be calculated using the formula gamma times change in C T minus beta times change in X.


  • We've spent several videos now getting familiar with the Lorentz transformations. What I want to do now, instead of thinking of what X prime and C T prime is in terms of X and C T, I wanna think about, what is the change in X prime and the change in C T prime going to be in terms of change in X and change in C T. And we'll see it's just going to ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can we calculate the change in X prime in terms of change in X and C T?

To calculate the change in X prime, we can use the formula gamma times change in X minus beta times change in C T. This formula allows us to relate the changes in X and C T to the change in X prime.

Q: What is the significance of the Lorentz factor gamma in the calculations?

The Lorentz factor gamma represents the factor by which lengths and time intervals change in relativistic situations. It is crucial in the calculations as it accounts for time dilation and length contraction effects.

Q: Can the change in C T prime be calculated using the same algebraic manipulation?

Yes, the change in C T prime can be calculated using the formula gamma times change in C T minus beta times change in X. This formula relates the changes in C T and X to the change in C T prime.

Q: How does the algebraic manipulation of the Lorentz transformations help understand velocities in different frames of reference?

By understanding the change in coordinates (X prime and C T prime), we can determine the velocities in different frames of reference. This allows us to analyze how objects move relative to each other in special relativity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses the concept of change in X prime and C T prime in terms of change in X and C T in the Lorentz transformations.

  • It demonstrates how to calculate X prime final and X prime initial using the formula gamma times X final minus beta times C T final.

  • The video also explains how to calculate the change in X prime using algebraic manipulation and provides the formula gamma times change in X minus beta times change in C T.

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