Learning to Embrace | Mallika Singhania | TEDxSandhauesen | Summary and Q&A

February 15, 2024
TEDx Talks
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Learning to Embrace | Mallika Singhania | TEDxSandhauesen


In this TEDx talk, Malika Singh shares her personal journey of embracing her highs, lows, insecurities, and self-worth, which ultimately led to her success.

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Key Insights

  • 😘 Malika Singh's journey emphasizes the importance of embracing oneself, including the highs, lows, insecurities, and self-worth.
  • 🥺 Society's beauty standards can have a detrimental impact on individuals, leading to extreme dieting and a toxic relationship with one's body.
  • 🥺 Seeking validation externally, such as through college rankings, does not lead to true fulfillment and self-discovery.
  • 🥺 Embracing one's true passion and being authentic can lead to success and fulfillment, regardless of societal norms or trends.
  • 🗯️ There is no right or wrong path to success, and individuals should stop comparing themselves to others and instead focus on their own unique journey.


hi everyone I'm Malika sing and welcome to my tedex talk today I'm going to talk about learning to embrace so when my friends and even my kids heard my topic they laughed and asked me what are you going to talk about your life seems so easy and glamorous while from the outside my life does seem easy and glamorous and to be honest I get fooled by it... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Malika's family react to her desire to be in the entertainment industry?

Malika's family was supportive but she found it difficult to voice her desires and didn't think they had the resources to help her pursue her dreams.

Q: How did societal beauty standards affect Malika's perception of herself?

Growing up in the era of Paris Hilton, where skinny bodies were idealized, Malika felt brainwashed into believing she needed to be thin to be accepted in the entertainment industry.

Q: How did Malika's obsession with working out affect her social life and overall well-being?

Malika's intense workout regimen made her a recluse, damaging her social life and causing her to lose her zest for life. It also strained her relationships with friends who didn't understand her extreme focus on losing weight.

Q: How did Malika's college experiences teach her the importance of self-worth and embracing her truth?

Initially embarrassed about attending a public university, Malika found that UT Austin provided a nurturing environment where she could explore her full potential. Later, attending Northwestern University taught her the importance of listening to her inner voice and not seeking validation externally.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Malika Singh discusses her childhood desire to be in front of the camera, despite growing up in a Marvadi business-oriented family.

  • She shares her struggle with body image and the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards, leading to extreme diets and a toxic relationship with working out.

  • Singh recounts her experiences with college admissions, initially feeling embarrassed about attending a public university, only to find fulfillment and self-discovery at UT Austin.

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