Learn How To Grow YOUR Channel On YouTube | Summary and Q&A

October 14, 2023
Nimmin Live - Learn How To Grow On YouTube
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Learn How To Grow YOUR Channel On YouTube


Get tips on growing your YouTube channel, including optimizing videos, testing thumbnails, and using AI tools, plus answers to common content creator questions.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Utilize timestamps in your videos to help viewers find the most relevant content.
  • 🎮 Tubebuddy and Streamyard are powerful tools for optimizing videos, testing thumbnails, and livestreaming.
  • 🫠 Watching your own videos is allowed, but be cautious about clicking ads or watching with ads.
  • ✋ Focus on creating high-quality content to maximize promotion through YouTube itself.
  • 🫒 Consider starting a podcast or live streaming to complement your existing content strategy.
  • 🥶 Canva and Tubebuddy offer free design tools for creating merchandise and graphics.
  • 😒 Learn about fair use and copyright law to ensure you're using content legally and ethically.


welcome to nimon live the number one place on the internet to learn about YouTube network with other content creators and have an awesome time doing it my name is Nick and today I'm answering your YouTube question so if you have a question about what it is that you're doing on YouTube there's a form that is down in the description of this stream ri... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is it okay to watch my own videos on YouTube without affecting monetization or getting flagged?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to watch your own videos, but make sure not to watch them with ads or click on ads, as that can lead to issues with invalid traffic.

Q: How do I promote my YouTube videos effectively?

The best promotion comes from YouTube itself, so focus on creating high-quality content that connects with your audience and gets recommended by the platform. You can also promote your videos through other channels like Reddit or Pinterest.

Q: Should I start live streaming and creating a podcast for my channel?

It depends on your goals and your audience. Live streaming and podcasting can both be valuable additions to your content strategy, allowing you to reach new audiences and connect with them in different ways. Consider what format best suits your content and target audience.

Q: Are there any free websites for designing merchandise with good quality?

Canva is a popular free website that offers high-quality design tools for creating merchandise. You can also check out Tubebuddy for additional graphic design features, though some may require a paid plan.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Nick discusses the importance of timestamps and how they help viewers find the most relevant content in a stream or video.

  • Tubebuddy and Streamyard are introduced as essential tools for YouTube creators, offering features like video optimization, thumbnail testing, and easy livestreaming with guests and graphics.

  • Questions from content creators cover topics like watching your own videos, promoting videos, taking breaks from uploading, and starting a podcast.

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