Learn How To Get Views On YouTube FOR REAL | Summary and Q&A

February 13, 2021
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Learn How To Get Views On YouTube FOR REAL


Get expert insights and advice for YouTube content creators in this informative Q&A session.

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Key Insights

  • 🎯 Understand your target audience and create content that appeals to them.
  • ⚡ Utilize tags, thumbnails, and descriptions to provide context and improve discoverability.
  • 🫒 Focus on creating engaging live streams that offer value and entertainment.


welcome to nimmin live the number one place on the internet to learn about youtube network with other content creators and have an awesome time doing it my name is nick and today i'm answering your youtube questions so if you have a question about what it is that you are doing on youtube go ahead and put it in the form that is down in the descripti... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I mix my gardening videos with my growing fishing content?

Consider organizing your channel page to feature different sections for gardening and fishing. Focus on creating content that appeals to the audience interested in fishing, while also providing variety for your gardening subscribers.

Q: How can I push my small channel into the YouTube algorithm?

The algorithm follows the audience, so focus on creating content that resonates with your target viewers. Utilize trending topics and optimize your titles, descriptions, and tags to increase your chances of being recommended to the right audience.

Q: Can YouTube hold me back for discussing controversial topics like religion or politics?

YouTube may limit ad revenue for controversial content, but as long as you provide valuable and accurate information without spreading misinformation, you shouldn't face major issues.

Q: How do I keep viewers engaged during live streams and increase watch time?

Provide value and entertainment in your live streams, cater to your target audience's interests, and make it easy for them to find more content on your channel. Use end screens, pinned comments, and related videos to direct viewers to additional videos.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Host answers YouTube questions and provides valuable information for content creators.

  • Discussion on the importance of tags, thumbnails, and audience targeting.

  • Advice on growing a YouTube channel and increasing engagement with viewers.

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