Learn How To Get Views and Thrive On YouTube | Summary and Q&A

February 19, 2022
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Learn How To Get Views and Thrive On YouTube


Get expert advice on improving views, subscribers, and monetization on YouTube through a live Q&A session with Nick, the host of Nemen Live.

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Key Insights

  • ☠️ Focus on creating compelling thumbnails and titles to optimize click-through rates.
  • 🫵 Encourage viewers to subscribe, engage with your content, and share it with others.
  • 🫠 Monetization does not directly impact video performance, but it provides the opportunity for income through ads and other monetization methods.
  • 👻 Storing footage allows for repurposing and licensing opportunities in the future.


welcome to nemen live the number one place on the internet to learn about youtube network with other content creators and have an awesome time doing it my name is nick and today i'm answering your youtube questions and look i know i'm not supposed to be live for another like four and a half minutes but i'm sitting here and i'm like why am i just si... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I improve my views and subscribers on YouTube Shorts and transform them into long-form content?

To improve views on Shorts, focus on creating attention-grabbing titles and thumbnails. Encourage viewers to subscribe and include a call-to-action in the short itself. Long-form content should be tailored to the interests of your Short viewers and provide a seamless transition from Shorts to your main videos.

Q: Why should I keep stored footage?

Storing footage allows you to repurpose content, create additional videos, or license it out to others. It provides flexibility for future use and can be valuable for different purposes.

Q: Are thumbnails for short videos important?

While thumbnails do not appear in the Shorts shelf, they can still be beneficial for driving traffic from other features on YouTube. Experiment with different thumbnail styles and analyze their performance using analytics to optimize click-through rates.

Q: How can I get 1 million views on a video as quickly as possible?

To achieve 1 million views, focus on creating excellent content that is highly shareable. Encourage viewers to share your video, optimize your click-through rate, and ensure a high watch time. Trending topics and engaging thumbnails can also help increase views.

Q: What are the advantages of storing footage?

Storing footage allows you to repurpose content, license it out, or create new videos in the future. It provides flexibility and ensures you have content available for different purposes.

Q: How can I get more people to watch my videos and subscribe?

Focus on creating great content that adds value to your target audience. Make your thumbnails and titles compelling and experiment with different approaches to optimize click-through rates. Engage with your viewers through comments, end screens, and clickable end screen elements, and focus on creating a binge-worthy channel with relevant content.

Q: What changes can I expect when my channel gets monetized?

Monetizing your channel won't cause a sudden increase in video performance. Ad rates vary, and it typically takes a substantial number of views to generate a significant income. However, being monetized opens up the opportunity for income through ads and other monetization methods on the platform.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Nemen Live is a platform where content creators gather to learn about YouTube and interact with other creators.

  • The live stream covers a wide range of topics, including getting views, subscribers, making money, and balancing YouTube with other aspects of life.

  • The stream is driven by user questions, sourced from the forum and live chat, ensuring a diverse range of topics are addressed.

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