Labor and Capital Are Old Leverage | Summary and Q&A

April 15, 2019
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Labor and Capital Are Old Leverage


Leverage is critical for success, and it can be obtained through labor, capital, and specific knowledge and accountability.

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Key Insights

  • ⚾ Labor-based leverage, although commonly valued, can be challenging and messy to manage.
  • 👻 Capital has been the dominant form of leverage in modern society, allowing individuals to accumulate wealth.
  • 👋 Obtaining capital requires specific knowledge and a good reputation.
  • 🔬 Leverage can be obtained through labor, capital, and specific knowledge and accountability.
  • 🥺 The accumulation of capital can feel unfair, as it often leads to enormous wealth for a few individuals.
  • 💪 Strong leadership skills are required to effectively leverage labor.
  • 💁 Capital is highly scalable and can be converted into other forms of leverage.


so why don't we talk a little bit about leverage the first tweet in the storm was a famous quote from Archimedes which was give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I will move the earth the next tweet was fortunes require leverage business leverage comes from capital people and products with no marginal costs of replication leverage is ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is labor often overvalued as a form of leverage?

Labor is overvalued because managing people can be challenging and messy, requiring strong leadership skills and risking mutiny or conflicts within the team.

Q: Why is capital considered a powerful form of leverage?

Capital is powerful because it can be converted into other forms of leverage, is highly scalable, and allows individuals to accumulate wealth and financial success.

Q: What are the challenges of using capital as leverage?

The main challenge is obtaining capital in the first place, which often requires specific knowledge in a domain and accountability, as people are more likely to invest in individuals with expertise and a good reputation.

Q: How does specific knowledge and accountability play a role in obtaining capital?

Having specific knowledge in a domain and being accountable for your actions and decisions builds trust and credibility, making people more willing to invest capital in your ventures.


This video discusses the concept of leverage and its importance in achieving success and wealth. It explores two main forms of leverage: labor and capital. The speaker argues that labor-based leverage, which involves managing other people, is messy and often leads to challenges and conflicts. On the other hand, capital-based leverage, which involves using money and investments, has been the dominant form of leverage in recent centuries. However, the accumulation of capital has also sparked criticism and is seen as unfair. The video emphasizes the significance of obtaining specific knowledge and establishing accountability in order to obtain capital and use it effectively.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the quote mentioned in the first tweet of the storm?

The quote is from Archimedes and it states, "Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I will move the earth." The speaker includes this quote to highlight the fundamental nature of leverage and its potential to create massive impact.

Q: Why does the speaker not usually include other people's quotes in his Twitter?

The speaker usually avoids using other people's quotes on Twitter because he believes they don't add value and can easily be looked up elsewhere. However, he felt compelled to include Archimedes' quote because it had a profound impact on him when he was young.

Q: How does labor-based leverage work?

Labor-based leverage involves having people work for you instead of doing the work yourself. By guiding and directing these individuals, you can accomplish much more than you could on your own. This form of leverage is well-understood and ingrained in our understanding of how physical levers and seesaws work.

Q: Why does society overvalue labor-based leverage?

Labor-based leverage is often overvalued because it is the most familiar form of leverage. When someone receives a promotion and has people working under them, it is seen as impressive. People often measure a company's credibility by the number of employees it has. Additionally, starting a movement or having a large army is automatically assumed to be better because it implies more people are involved. However, the speaker argues that labor-based leverage is actually the least desirable form of leverage due to its complexities and potential challenges.

Q: How does capital-based leverage differ from labor-based leverage?

Capital-based leverage involves using money and investments to create leverage. It is a less instinctive form of leverage because concepts like money markets and saving money are relatively recent inventions compared to labor. Capital-based leverage has been the dominant form of leverage in the past century and has allowed many people to become extremely wealthy. It is more surgical and analytical in nature and can be converted into other forms of leverage.

Q: What are some examples of individuals who have used capital-based leverage to accumulate wealth?

The richest people in society, such as bankers, politicians, and those involved in corrupt countries, have often amassed great wealth through capital-based leverage. Additionally, CEOs of large non-tech companies often have financial asset management roles, indicating the importance of capital-based leverage in their positions. While the accumulation of vast amounts of capital can seem unfair, it is a powerful and scalable form of leverage.

Q: What challenges does capital-based leverage pose?

The main challenge of capital-based leverage is obtaining capital in the first place. This is where having specific knowledge and accountability become crucial. If an individual has expertise in a particular domain and a good reputation, they are more likely to be trusted with capital as a form of leverage. Therefore, acquiring and effectively utilizing capital requires building trust and demonstrating competence.

Q: How does capital-based leverage scale?

Capital-based leverage has the ability to scale significantly. If someone becomes adept at managing capital, they can handle larger amounts of it more easily. Additionally, as the amount of capital managed increases, the individual can also manage more people. This scalability makes capital-based leverage a desirable form of leverage.

Q: What criticisms exist against capital-based leverage?

The accumulation of capital has often been criticized as it can result in a significant wealth disparity. Some people view capital as an unfair form of leverage, as it can be accumulated across generations, leading to an unequal distribution of wealth. While capital itself is not inherently negative, the way it is obtained and used can be a point of contention.

Q: What are the prerequisites for obtaining capital-based leverage?

The speaker highlights the importance of specific knowledge and accountability in obtaining capital-based leverage. Having expertise in a specific domain and establishing a trustworthy reputation within that domain can lead to others entrusting you with capital. These prerequisites act as a foundation for acquiring and effectively leveraging capital.


Leverage, whether in the form of labor or capital, plays a crucial role in achieving success and wealth. While labor-based leverage is often overvalued, it can be messy and is not the most desirable form of leverage. On the other hand, capital-based leverage, despite criticism, has been the dominant form of leverage in recent times. Obtaining capital requires specific knowledge and accountability, and those who succeed in managing it effectively can scale their impact significantly. However, the accumulation of capital and wealth disparity remain points of contention.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Labor is the oldest form of leverage, where people work for you, but it can be messy and requires strong leadership skills.

  • Capital, although trickier to understand and obtain, has been the dominant form of leverage in the last century, allowing individuals to accumulate wealth.

  • Specific knowledge and accountability are essential for obtaining capital as a form of leverage.

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