Reject Most Advice | Summary and Q&A

May 20, 2019
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Reject Most Advice

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In this video, the speaker discusses the importance of not blindly following advice and taking the time to evaluate if it applies to one's own situation. They emphasize the need for individuals to develop their own internal models and decision-making processes. The speaker also highlights the value of advice in providing anecdotes and maxim's that can be recalled later when faced with similar situations.

Questions & Answers

Q: What can be learned from people who have become rich quickly?

The speaker suggests that while there may be something to be learned from those who have achieved rapid wealth, it is important to recognize that their exact circumstances may not be applicable to everyone. One should not simply copy their strategies as if they were winning lottery ticket numbers. Instead, it is advisable to listen and read from various sources, but ultimately develop one's own internal model and apply information selectively.

Q: How should founders approach advice when building their businesses?

The best founders actively listen to and read advice from a wide range of sources, but ultimately make independent decisions based on their own internal model of how to apply that information to their specific situation. They do not hesitate to discard information that does not align with their vision or goals. By having their own point of view and being selective about advice, founders can avoid being overwhelmed by conflicting guidance.

Q: What should one do when confronted with advice that does not feel true?

The speaker suggests that when something does not feel true to an individual, they should set it aside and not be afraid to reject it. It is essential to trust one's own judgment and instincts. If too many things seem untrue or do not resonate, it may be necessary to discard the source of advice altogether. The key is to examine everything and determine its relevance to one's own experiences and context.

Q: What is the danger of blindly following advice?

One danger of blindly following advice is that the advice giver may not be present to inform you when their advice no longer applies to your situation. The speaker points out that people's circumstances change, and what worked for them in the past may no longer be relevant or effective. Therefore, it is crucial to be critical and discerning when accepting advice, as blindly following can lead to outdated or irrelevant guidance.

Q: How does the speaker view the purpose of advice?

The speaker sees the purpose of advice differently from most people. They view it as a means of creating anecdotes and maxim's that serve as mental hooks to recall experiences and principles in the future. By internalizing and reflecting on advice, it becomes a compressed form of personal knowledge that can be easily accessed when needed. The speaker even uses their own tweets as maxim's to help compress their own learnings and aid in recollection.

Q: How can advice be used to recall one's own knowledge?

The speaker explains that advice, including their own tweets and those of others, acts as pointers or mnemonics to help remember deep-seated principles that are backed by personal experience. By having these mental hooks, individuals can swiftly recall their own knowledge and apply it in relevant situations. It is essential to have underlying experience to fully understand and utilize the advice, as it is not simply a collection of quotes for inspiration.

Q: How should one approach relationships and collaborations?

The speaker advises that if a person cannot envision a long-term working relationship with someone, they should not invest significant effort into that relationship even in the short term. Recognizing that not all connections will be enduring can help individuals make more informed decisions about the level of involvement and commitment they are willing to give. This approach can save time and energy for more fruitful partnerships and collaborations.

Q: Why are Maxims and anecdotes important?

Maxims and anecdotes serve as compact ways for individuals to recall their own knowledge and experiences. They act as mental reminders of deep-seated principles and provide a framework for decision-making. By using these concise prompts, individuals can access their own knowledge without straining their limited brain space. Without underlying experience, however, maxims and anecdotes may only function as inspirational quotes without lasting impact.

Q: How should one evaluate the usefulness of advice?

Individuals should evaluate the usefulness of advice on a case-by-case basis. When faced with advice, one must quickly assess if it rings true outside of the context in which it was given and if it applies to their specific circumstances. It is essential to have an independent point of view and the ability to discern whether or not to apply the advice. Most advice should be rejected, but to determine what to accept and reject, one must read and listen to enough of it.

Q: What happens if something doesn't feel true from the podcast?

If something from the podcast does not feel true to an individual, the speaker suggests setting it aside or even deleting the podcast if too many things seem untrue. It is necessary to trust one's own judgment and not feel obligated to accept or follow advice blindly. The goal is to critically evaluate and apply only what resonates and aligns with one's own experiences and beliefs.


The video emphasizes the importance of critically evaluating advice and not blindly following it. While advice can provide valuable insights and perspectives, individuals must develop their own internal model and decision-making processes. By listening and reading widely, but ultimately making independent decisions, individuals can determine what advice is applicable to their specific context. The purpose of advice is to serve as mental hooks and compressed knowledge that aids in recalling one's own experiences and principles.

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