If You Can’t Program It, You Don’t Understand It | Summary and Q&A

November 10, 2021
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If You Can’t Program It, You Don’t Understand It

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In this video, the speaker discusses the limitations and uncertainties surrounding the concept of evolution by natural selection and draws a parallel with the challenge of understanding and programming artificial general intelligence (AGI). While there are tools like evolutionary algorithms that simulate evolutionary processes, they do not fully capture the complexity and true essence of natural selection.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the limitation of our understanding of evolution by natural selection and AGI?

The speaker explains that if we cannot program AGI, it indicates our lack of understanding regarding the concept of general intelligence. Similarly, the ability to precisely program evolution by natural selection is also a challenge, highlighting our limited knowledge of the subject.

Q: Are there any methods to simulate evolutionary processes?

Yes, there are tools called evolutionary algorithms that attempt to simulate evolutionary processes. However, the speaker emphasizes that these algorithms fall short in replicating the true complexity and intricacies of evolution by natural selection.

Q: What is the difference between evolutionary algorithms and programming evolution by natural selection?

While evolutionary algorithms mimic some aspects of evolution by natural selection, they are not a complete representation. Programming evolution by natural selection would involve creating artificial entities within a computer that can evolve under real environmental pressures, leading to increasing complexity. This level of understanding and programming is yet to be achieved.

Q: Why is it challenging to program evolution by natural selection?

The complexity of natural selection goes far beyond what can be easily programmed. The intricate interplay of various factors, such as genetic traits, adaptability, and environmental pressures, makes it difficult to replicate the true essence of evolution in a computer program.

Q: How can the concept of AGI help us understand evolution by natural selection?

The challenges in programming AGI reflect a similar lack of understanding of what general intelligence truly entails. By investigating and attempting to program AGI, we can gain insights into the limitations of our comprehension regarding evolution by natural selection.

Q: Can evolutionary algorithms aid in our understanding of evolution by natural selection?

While evolutionary algorithms provide some insights into evolutionary processes, they are not sufficient to fully comprehend the intricacies of evolution by natural selection. They serve as mere approximations, lacking the complexity and accuracy required to capture the true nature of natural selection.

Q: What are the implications of not fully understanding evolution by natural selection?

Lack of complete understanding of evolution by natural selection hampers our ability to predict and comprehend the processes that shape life on our planet. It limits our capacity to simulate and manipulate evolutionary systems, hindering advancements in fields such as genetics, biology, and evolutionary biology.

Q: What are some similarities between AGI and evolution by natural selection?

Both AGI and evolution by natural selection represent highly complex and elusive concepts. They require a deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms, yet our current knowledge of these subjects is limited, preventing us from fully comprehending and harnessing their potential.

Q: How does uncertainty in our understanding of evolution by natural selection affect scientific research?

Uncertainty in our understanding of evolution by natural selection poses challenges for scientific research. It means that certain hypotheses and conclusions drawn from existing research may be subject to revision or prove to be inconclusive. It highlights the need for continued exploration and investigation to improve our understanding in this area.

Q: What can we learn from the parallel between AGI and evolution by natural selection?

The parallel between AGI and evolution by natural selection emphasizes that both concepts are highly complex, with numerous unknowns and uncertainties. It reminds us of the vast knowledge gaps we still have in these areas and the need for further research and exploration to enhance our understanding.


The video highlights the uncertain nature of our understanding of evolution by natural selection and draws parallels with the challenge of comprehending and programming AGI. It emphasizes that while tools like evolutionary algorithms can simulate certain aspects of evolution, they fall short of replicating the true complexity of natural selection. The parallel between AGI and evolution by natural selection serves as a reminder of the gaps in our knowledge and the need for continued research in these fields.

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