Kick the Balls | Alan Black | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

August 8, 2008
Talks at Google
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Kick the Balls | Alan Black | Talks at Google


Alan Black, a former bartender and co-founder of the Scottish Cultural and Arts Foundation, discusses his book "Kick the Balls" and his involvement in the Scottish literary renaissance and various cultural events in San Francisco.

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Key Insights

  • 🖐️ Alan Black played a significant role in introducing new Scottish writers to American audiences during the Scottish literary renaissance in the 90s.
  • ⚽ His book "Kick the Balls" explores themes of suburban life, coaching a struggling soccer team, and navigating identity change.
  • ⌛ Balancing writing with a full-time job as a bartender was challenging for Alan Black, but he found inspiration during moments of exhaustion.


hi again everyone thanks for coming to another author's google event today we're very pleased to welcome alan black to the san francisco office alan hales from glasgow where he started writing on sidewalks with chalk a bartender by trade he co-founded the scottish cultural and arts foundation in 1995. in 1996 he produced the american premiere of th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Alan Black become involved in the Scottish literary renaissance?

Alan Black became involved in the Scottish literary renaissance through his work with the Scottish Cultural and Arts Foundation, which allowed him to introduce new Scottish writers to American audiences and promote their work.

Q: What inspired Alan Black to write the book "Kick the Balls"?

Alan Black was inspired to write "Kick the Balls" by his experiences with suburban life, coaching a struggling soccer team, and trying to maintain a lawn in the U.S. These experiences served as a catalyst for exploring identity and change in his new life.

Q: How did Alan Black balance writing with his full-time job as a bartender?

Alan Black found it challenging to balance writing with his full-time job as a bartender. He often wrote late at night or early in the morning when he was exhausted but found that some of his best ideas and lines came during those moments of exhaustion.

Q: Can you explain the concept behind the swearing festival that Alan Black founded?

The swearing festival, founded by Alan Black, aimed to explore the complexity and context of swearing. It involved activities such as projecting images and asking the audience to yell out the first swear word that came to mind. The festival aimed to provoke and challenge ideas about swearing and its cultural associations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Alan Black shares his background as a bartender and his involvement with the Scottish cultural and arts scene in the 90s.

  • He talks about introducing American audiences to new Scottish writers and his role in promoting writers in San Francisco.

  • Alan discusses the inspiration behind his book "Kick the Balls", which explores his experiences with suburban life, coaching a struggling soccer team, and maintaining a lawn in the U.S.

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