Julianne Moore & Ellen Page | Freeheld | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 15, 2015
Talks at Google
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Julianne Moore & Ellen Page | Freeheld | Talks at Google


"Ellen Page and Julianne Moore discuss their involvement in the movie "Freeheld," based on the true story of Laurel Hester's fight for her partner's benefits, highlighting the struggles faced by same-sex couples."

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿ˜€ The documentary on which "Freeheld" is based provided an intimate look into the lives of Laurel and Stacie, showing the struggles faced by same-sex couples and the cost of discrimination.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฎ Julianne Moore found her portrayal of Laurel's character more challenging than the relationship aspect, as she had limited knowledge of Laurel's life as a police officer before meeting Stacie Andree and Laurel's family.
  • ๐Ÿ–๏ธ The involvement of Dane Wells, Laurel's partner and dedicated advocate for their cause, played a crucial role in bringing attention to their fight for marriage equality.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Laurel Hester's refusal to be political about her fight for equality and her belief in doing what is fair and just made her a hero in the eyes of many, including Edie Windsor.
  • ๐Ÿ˜š Political pressure and surrounding counties closing the loophole regarding benefits allocation put pressure on the Freeholders to approve Laurel's request.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ The filmmakers felt a great sense of responsibility to Laurel and Stacie, ensuring that the film was as truthful and authentic as possible.
  • ๐Ÿ˜€ The movie had a profound impact on both Ellen Page and Julianne Moore, deepening their compassion and understanding of the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community.


[MUSIC PLAYING] KEVIN VLK: Hello, everyone. Welcome to "Talks at Google." I'm Kevin Vlk. REBECCA PROZAN: I'm Rebecca Prozan. KEVIN VLK: And we're here today to talk about the new movie "Freeheld." And we have Ellen Page and Julianne Moore. [APPLAUSE] So this story, it's a beautiful love story that tells the true story of Laurel Hester, who is a ver... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What inspired Ellen Page to take on the role of Stacie in "Freeheld"?

Ellen Page was deeply moved and inspired by the documentary of the same name, which depicted the couple's struggle for equality, and immediately agreed to play Stacie when offered the role.

Q: How did Julianne Moore approach the role of Laurel, a complex character who was initially distant and difficult to get to know?

Julianne Moore found it challenging to portray Laurel as a police officer, but was able to understand her relationship with Stacie easily, as it reflected the experiences of falling in love and building a life with someone.

Q: How involved were Laurel and Stacie in the development of the film?

Laurel's partner, Stacie, was highly involved in the development of the film, spending a lot of time with the screenwriter and sharing memories and personal experiences with Julianne Moore and Ellen Page.

Q: How did the film address the issue of discrimination faced by same-sex couples?

The film highlighted the discrimination faced by same-sex couples, particularly in the context of marriage equality. Laurel Hester explicitly stated that she was fighting for equality, not just for marriage, in order to be treated fairly.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • "Freeheld" tells the true story of Laurel Hester, a decorated police officer in New Jersey who fights for her partner Stacie's benefits after being diagnosed with cancer.

  • Ellen Page was deeply moved by the documentary of the same name and immediately agreed to play Stacie when offered the role by the producers.

  • Julianne Moore, who plays Laurel, found the documentary's intimate portrayal of the couple's struggle and the discrimination they faced to be extraordinary.

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