John Danaher: Grappling, Jiu Jitsu, ADCC, and Animal Combat | Lex Fridman Podcast #328 | Summary and Q&A

October 10, 2022
Lex Fridman Podcast
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John Danaher: Grappling, Jiu Jitsu, ADCC, and Animal Combat | Lex Fridman Podcast #328


Gordon Ryan, one of the greatest minds in martial arts history, faced numerous challenges leading up to ADCC 2022 but ultimately emerged as the victor with an unmatched performance.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Gordon Ryan's success at ADCC 2022 was the result of his efficient training program, mental preparation, and strategic approach to matches.
  • 😤 Overcoming challenges and maintaining a strong team dynamic were crucial factors in their journey to ADCC 2022.
  • 😀 Gordon's ability to stay focused and confident in the face of adversity proved essential to his performances.
  • 🤩 Efficient energy expenditure and skill development were key components of Gordon's strategy, allowing him to conserve energy and secure quick submissions.


a male chimp is more than enough to kill any human on the planet including Gordon Ryan so Gordon Ryan fighting a chimp a good sized no a thousand times how many times does he win he loses a thousand times it's not even competitive it's not even remotely compared do you think he will disagree no do you think anyone will disagree anyone yeah [ __ ] t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Gordon Ryan and his team overcome the challenges they faced?

They made the decision to move to Puerto Rico to ensure they could continue training during the COVID-19 pandemic. They focused on recruiting new talented athletes and creating an efficient training program for ADCC 2022.

Q: What was Gordon Ryan's strategy during his matches?

Gordon focused on efficiency and energy expenditure, utilizing his skills in leg locks and back takes to secure quick submissions. He aimed to take advantage of his opponents' defensive weaknesses and exploit their vulnerabilities.

Q: How did Gordon Ryan's mental preparation contribute to his success?

His mental preparation was based on a strong foundation of physical skills, which built his confidence. By focusing on accumulating skills and experiencing success in training, he developed the confidence needed to perform at his best on the ADCC stage.

Q: How did Gordon Ryan's coach, John Donaher, approach his cornering role?

John Donaher focused on providing strategic guidance and keeping Gordon focused during matches. He avoided cheerleading and instead reminded Gordon of the training they had done and the efficient strategies they had developed. He also emphasized the importance of staying aware of the time and avoiding tunnel vision.

Q: How did Gordon Ryan and his team overcome the challenges they faced?

They made the decision to move to Puerto Rico to ensure they could continue training during the COVID-19 pandemic. They focused on recruiting new talented athletes and creating an efficient training program for ADCC 2022.

More Insights

  • Gordon Ryan's success at ADCC 2022 was the result of his efficient training program, mental preparation, and strategic approach to matches.

  • Overcoming challenges and maintaining a strong team dynamic were crucial factors in their journey to ADCC 2022.

  • Gordon's ability to stay focused and confident in the face of adversity proved essential to his performances.

  • Efficient energy expenditure and skill development were key components of Gordon's strategy, allowing him to conserve energy and secure quick submissions.

  • John Donaher's role as a coach focused on providing strategic guidance and helping Gordon stay focused during matches.


In this video, John Donaher discusses the challenges and triumphs of his grappling team, known as the Donaher Death Squad, leading up to the ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club) 2022 tournament. He talks about the team's lowest point, the decision to leave New York due to COVID restrictions, and their move to Puerto Rico and eventually Texas. Despite facing personal conflicts and setbacks, the team managed to come together and achieve a successful performance at ADCC 2022. Donaher emphasizes the importance of physical skills in building confidence and mental preparation for competitions. He also expresses his pride in his team's accomplishments and discusses the potential for future reunions with his former students.

Questions & Answers

Q: Can you explain the challenges the team faced in New York and their decision to leave?

The team faced difficulties training in New York due to COVID restrictions and the overall negative view of the city. Donaher was the only one who enjoyed living in New York City, while the others had to commute. Eventually, they decided to leave and went to Puerto Rico for training.

Q: How did living in Puerto Rico affect team dynamics and training?

Living in Puerto Rico, in close proximity to each other, magnified tensions within the team. Donaher explains that the lack of relief from conflicts resulted in a strained atmosphere, especially between two brothers within the team.

Q: What was the lowest point for the team?

The lowest point for the team was when they moved to Texas, as most of the athletes left in a short period of time. This left the team without a training facility and with doubts about their ability to compete in ADCC, particularly due to Gordon Ryan's unresolved stomach issues.

Q: How did Donaher handle the difficult situation?

Donaher had to make a difficult decision between staying in New York or leaving with his team. He chose to be loyal to his students and decided to move with them to Puerto Rico and later to Texas. He remained hopeful that given enough time, he could build a new crop of students and produce successful results.

Q: How did the team rebound and prepare for ADCC 2022?

Despite the challenges, the team gradually rebuilt itself in Texas. Donaher recruited new talent and had a core group of athletes training together. He created a focused training program, emphasizing ADCC-specific skills and increasing the intensity over time. The team also participated in local competitions to improve their competitive experience.

Q: How did the team's mental preparation contribute to their success?

Donaher believes that mental preparation stems from physical skills and accumulated experience. He focused on building confidence through the development of skills, especially within the context of ADCC rules and competition scenarios. He also exposed the athletes to the intensity of competition through a competitive schedule leading up to ADCC.

Q: How did Gordon Ryan's performances stand out at ADCC 2022?

Gordon Ryan had a phenomenal performance at ADCC 2022. Donaher describes it as a virtuoso display of technique, preparation, and confidence. He believes that no one else in the sport combines technical depth, tactical insight, and confidence as effectively as Gordon Ryan.

Q: Can you highlight any specific matches that were notable?

While the video does not go into specific match details, it is mentioned that Gordon Ryan competed in his weight division (plus 99 kilos) and also had a super fight against Andre Galvao. These performances showcased his dominance and solidified his status as the best in the sport.

Q: How did Donaher maintain the team's intensity of training without causing injuries?

Donaher acknowledges the need to carefully monitor training intensity to prevent injuries. While occasional full-power sessions were included in their training, it was not a daily occurrence. The focus was on skill development and progressively increasing resistance over time.

Q: What lessons did Donaher learn from the team's journey and the challenges they faced?

Donaher emphasizes the importance of recognizing the illusions created by pageantry and theater in competition. He encourages athletes to see the reality of competition, which is not fundamentally different from their daily training. He also understands the complexities of managing personal conflicts within a team and acknowledges the generational and personality differences at play. Donaher believes that dialogues can help reconcile conflicts, but also understands that breakups and reunions are part of the coaching process.


The journey of the Donaher Death Squad leading up to ADCC 2022 was filled with challenges, including team disagreements, relocations, and personal conflicts. Despite these difficulties, the team managed to come together and achieve a successful performance at the tournament. Donaher highlights the importance of physical skills in building confidence and mental preparation for competition. He also acknowledges the significance of managing ego and personal conflicts within a team. Through their experience, Donaher emphasizes the need for athletes to see the reality of competition amidst the illusions created by pageantry and theater. Overall, the team's journey serves as a reminder that hard work and perseverance can lead to remarkable achievements.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Gordon Ryan and his team faced a low point a year before ADCC 2022, with the team on the verge of breaking up and doubts about his ability to compete due to unresolved stomach issues.

  • The team made the decision to move to Puerto Rico for training, which brought about new challenges and tensions within the team.

  • Despite the difficult circumstances, Gordon and his team persevered, attracting new talented athletes and creating an efficient training program for ADCC 2022.

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