Jocko Willink ON: Leading Like a Navy Seal & Taking Extreme Ownership of Every Problem in Your Life | Summary and Q&A

May 31, 2021
Success Habits
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Jocko Willink ON: Leading Like a Navy Seal & Taking Extreme Ownership of Every Problem in Your Life

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In this interview, Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL officer, author, and podcaster, discusses his experiences in combat, leadership, and discipline. He shares insights on overcoming difficult situations, building trust, and taking extreme ownership.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the most difficult thing you think you've ever done mentally or physically?

The most difficult thing for me was losing friends in combat. It was soul-crushing, but I had to continue with the mission.

Q: How did you deal with the loss of friends in combat?

There were no protocols on how to handle such situations. We mourned the loss, celebrated their lives, and then I got in front of the team and told them we had to continue with the mission, as that's what our fallen friends would have wanted.

Q: How did you manage compassion and empathy as a leader, considering your extreme experiences?

I learned to see things from other people's perspectives and not look down on their situations. I pass on the lessons I learned from extreme situations because they apply to less extreme scenarios as well.

Q: Were you always a natural leader, or did you become one through experience?

I had a proclivity for leadership, but leadership is both innate and learned. Some people have natural characteristics that are great for leadership, but everyone can improve their leadership skills through practice and learning.

Q: How did you handle comparison and competition within your teams?

Not everyone had the open-mindedness to put their egos in check. During my SEAL training, we had a mutiny against an arrogant leader, and a humble replacement changed the dynamic. Being humble as a leader can make a big difference in building trust and collaboration within a team.

Q: How did you build trust in high-stress environments?

Trust, listening, influence, and respect are interconnected. If you want someone to trust you, you need to trust them first. I built trust by giving my team responsibilities and allowing them to execute plans, even when mistakes happened. We learned and improved together.

Q: What was the biggest mistake you made in leadership, and how did you handle it?

I had a friendly fire incident for which I took full responsibility. It was a terrible situation, but I learned the importance of extreme ownership. I accepted the blame, identified the mistakes, and implemented solutions to ensure it never happened again.

Q: How can people practice extreme ownership without destroying their self-esteem?

Extreme ownership propels you forward instead of holding you back. Taking ownership allows you to identify and fix your own mistakes, leading to personal growth and improvement.

Q: How can individuals apply extreme ownership in a workplace setting?

Instead of blaming others, take ownership of your actions and seek feedback and critiques. Use that feedback to make adjustments and improve your performance. By taking ownership, you have more control over your own destiny.

Q: How can people handle criticism from those they don't respect or like?

Put your ego and emotions aside, listen to what others have to say, and apply the feedback without bias. It's also crucial to differentiate between valid criticism and personal attacks. By doing so, you can grow and improve as a person.


Taking extreme ownership means holding yourself accountable and taking responsibility for your actions and outcomes. It requires humility, the ability to listen and learn from others, and the willingness to make necessary changes to improve. By practicing extreme ownership, individuals can overcome challenges, build trust, and achieve personal and professional growth.

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