Jeffrey Shainline: Neuromorphic Computing and Optoelectronic Intelligence | Lex Fridman Podcast #225 | Summary and Q&A

September 26, 2021
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Jeffrey Shainline: Neuromorphic Computing and Optoelectronic Intelligence | Lex Fridman Podcast #225


Optoelectronic intelligence is a new architecture for brain-inspired computing that leverages light for communication and electronic circuits for computation, with a focus on superconducting electronics for high-speed and energy-efficient operations.

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Key Insights

  • 😃 Electrons are excellent for computation, while light is excellent for communication.
  • 😃 Superconductors, which operate at very low temperatures, offer the potential for high-speed computing due to their ability to carry electrical current without dissipation.
  • 🤔 Silicon has become the dominant material for microelectronics due to its excellent properties for making transistors and its ability to continuously scale down its feature size.
  • 🔬 Understanding the physics of semiconductors and the properties of materials like silicon has been crucial in the development of modern computing.
  • 😃 Moore's Law, which predicts the increase in transistor density and computing performance over time, has been made possible by the ability to continuously decrease the size of transistors in silicon microelectronics.
  • 👥 Both physics and engineering play crucial roles in the development of computing technologies, with physics providing fundamental knowledge and engineering driving innovation and practical implementation.
  • 🌌 Optoelectronic intelligence combines light-based communication with electronic circuits for computation, offering a potential architecture for brain-inspired computing.
  • ✨ Superconducting electronics, which operate at very low temperatures and offer low-power dissipation, are being explored for their potential in high-speed and energy-efficient computing systems.
  • 💡 Neuromorphic computing, which draws inspiration from the brain's information processing principles, is a field of research that explores architectures and hardware to mimic the brain's computational abilities.


the following is a conversation with jeff shaneline a scientist at nist interested in opto electronic intelligence we have a deep technical dive into computing hardware that will make jim keller proud i urge you to hop on to this rollercoaster ride through neuromorphic computing and superconducting electronics and hold on for dear life jeff is a gr... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the main difference between semiconducting and superconducting electronics?

The main difference between semiconducting and superconducting electronics lies in their operational principles. Semiconducting electronics rely on the movement of electrons and the manipulation of voltages to perform computations, while superconducting electronics work by conducting current without resistance at extremely low temperatures.

Q: Why are superconducting electronics being explored for optoelectronic intelligence?

Superconducting electronics offer several advantages for optoelectronic intelligence. They can perform computations at high speeds, consume less energy, and exhibit long coherence times, making them suitable for advanced brain-inspired computing architectures.

Q: How do semiconducting electronics work?

Semiconducting electronics utilize the movement of electrons in semiconductor materials like silicon. By applying voltages to transistors, electrons can be controlled to either flow or be turned off, representing digital 0s and 1s. These transistors are the key building blocks for digital electronic circuits.

Q: Why does optoelectronic intelligence utilize light for communication?

Light is used for communication in optoelectronic intelligence due to its advantageous properties. Photons, the particles of light, do not interact with each other and can propagate without disrupting other photons. This allows for efficient and high-speed communication across a network, especially when dealing with large-scale systems.

Q: What is the significance of neuromorphic computing in optoelectronic intelligence?

Neuromorphic computing plays a role in optoelectronic intelligence by drawing inspiration from the information processing principles of the brain. It entails developing computing architectures that mimic the brain's distributed parallel networks and asynchronous operation, allowing for more efficient and flexible computations.

Q: Can optoelectronic intelligence be used in consumer devices like smartphones?

Currently, optoelectronic intelligence is more suited for large-scale computing systems, such as supercomputers, due to the cooling requirements and energy consumption associated with superconducting electronics. However, as technology advances and new innovations emerge, it may find its way into smaller consumer devices in the future.


This conversation is a deep technical dive into computing hardware, specifically focusing on optoelectronic intelligence and superconducting electronics. The discussion covers the basics of semiconducting electronics, the principles of how computers work, the scalability of silicon microelectronics, the role of physics and engineering in innovation, and the concepts of superconductivity. The conversation also explores the potential of superconducting logic and its benefits and limitations compared to silicon microelectronics.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is optoelectronic intelligence?

Optoelectronic intelligence is an architecture for building brain-inspired computing that combines light for communication and electronic circuits for computation. This concept aims to leverage the properties of both light and semiconductor materials to create efficient computing systems.

Q: How does a computer work?

A computer is built using basic building blocks called transistors. At an even more basic level, semiconducting materials like silicon are used. Semiconductors have the unique property that they can change the number of free electrons that can move around by altering the concentration of dopants in the lattice. By applying voltages to these materials, electrical currents can be established, representing information in a digital format. Transistors, which are made using semiconducting materials, are the fundamental components of digital electronic circuits that form the basis of computer systems.

Q: What is the scale involved in silicon microelectronics?

The scale in silicon microelectronics is multifaceted. At the scale of the silicon lattice, the distance between two atoms is around half a nanometer. This is around six orders of magnitude smaller than the width of a human hair. In terms of feature size, which refers to the dimensions of transistors and other components, current state-of-the-art devices have gates that are around seven nanometers. These gates have just a few tens of atoms along the length of the conduction pathway. Additionally, silicon microelectronics has also seen scaling in terms of the size of wafers used, with 300 millimeter wafers being common in modern manufacturing processes.

Q: What is superconductivity and how is it different from semiconductivity?

Superconductivity is a phenomenon where certain materials can conduct electric current without any resistance or dissipation when cooled to very low temperatures. Unlike semiconducting materials that rely on the movement of free electrons under the influence of voltages to establish electrical currents, superconductors exhibit a unique behavior where a supercurrent can flow continuously without any loss of energy. This behavior occurs at temperatures close to absolute zero and is characterized by the emergence of a macroscopic quantum state where all the electrons in the material are in one coherent quantum state.

Q: How do superconducting devices like Josephson junctions work?

Superconducting devices, such as Josephson junctions, exploit the properties of superconductivity to perform various operations. A Josephson junction consists of a superconducting wire with a small gap of a different material, followed by another superconducting wire. In this configuration, the superconducting wave function can tunnel across the gap, leading to the Josephson effect. The Josephson effect allows for the creation of supercurrents and fluxons, which are discrete packets of quantized current. These superconducting devices can be used as gates in superconducting circuits and can process information at high speeds in the hundreds of gigahertz range.

Q: Is there a possibility that superconducting logic could replace silicon microelectronics in digital computing?

While superconducting logic has the potential to operate at significantly higher speeds than silicon microelectronics, there are several reasons why it has not displaced silicon in conventional digital computing. Superconducting circuits have limitations in terms of scalability, as there are fundamental physical limits that prevent them from being scaled down to the densities achievable with silicon microelectronics. Additionally, the practical aspects of manufacturing, packaging, and materials make silicon microelectronics more suitable for mass production and integration into existing computing systems. The advantages of superconducting logic, such as speed and power consumption, are often outweighed by these considerations.

Q: How does physics and engineering contribute to the development of computing hardware?

Both physics and engineering are essential in the development of computing hardware. Physics provides the fundamental understanding of the materials, phenomena, and interactions that allow for the creation of electronic devices. Engineering takes this understanding and applies it to practical applications, such as manufacturing processes, circuit design, and system integration. Physics plays a key role in the early stages of development, while engineering optimization and implementation drive the practical aspects of computing hardware. Both disciplines are necessary for the continued advancement of computing technology.

Q: What are the differences between digital logic and analog computing?

Digital logic represents information using binary digits (bits) and relies on discrete states, typically represented by zeros and ones. It involves sequential operations performed on these bits to transform inputs into outputs. Digital computing is highly serial, with data flowing in a relatively linear fashion through the system. In contrast, analog computing operates on a continuous range of values and relies on the interplay of inputs and outputs in a network-like fashion. Analog computations encompass a wider range of computational tasks and do not rely on discrete states like digital logic. Additionally, analog computation does not require a clock and can leverage the collective behavior of interconnected components.

Q: How do superconducting systems compare in terms of power consumption and computational speed?

Superconducting systems have the potential to operate at significantly higher speeds and lower power consumption compared to silicon microelectronics. The absence of energy dissipation in superconductors allows for extremely fast switching operations and efficient energy usage. Superconducting devices, such as Josephson junctions, can perform operations in the hundreds of gigahertz range, far exceeding the capabilities of conventional processors that operate in the single-digit gigahertz range. However, practical considerations, scalability limitations, and the complex manufacturing processes of superconducting systems have prevented their widespread adoption in consumer electronics.

Q: Is the physics of superconductivity well understood?

The physics of superconductivity, including the behavior of superconducting materials and the mechanisms governing their properties, is a well-established field. Many aspects of superconductivity have been extensively studied and explained through quantum mechanics and condensed matter physics. The principles of superconductivity, such as the formation of a macroscopic quantum state, the Josephson effect, and the quantized current behavior, are well-understood. However, the specific challenges in utilizing superconductivity for practical applications, such as computing, require further research and development.

Q: Can superconductors be used in consumer electronics like cell phones?

Superconductors are not currently feasible for consumer electronics like cell phones due to several factors. One major factor is the requirement for extremely low temperatures to achieve superconductivity, typically around 4 Kelvin. Cooling systems using liquid helium, which is expensive and impractical for consumer devices, are needed to maintain these temperatures. Superconducting devices also require complex manufacturing processes and specialized packaging. In contrast, silicon microelectronics, which can operate at room temperature and are highly scalable, have been the preferred technology for consumer electronics due to their practicality and cost-effectiveness.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Optoelectronic intelligence is an architecture for brain-inspired computing that combines light-based communication and electronic circuits for computation.

  • Superconducting electronics, which operate at extremely low temperatures, are used for computation due to their ability to conduct current without resistance.

  • Semiconducting electronics, based on the movement of electrons, are the basis of traditional digital computers and rely on the manipulation of voltages to perform computations.

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