Investing Terms Every Investor Must Know [Stock Market Explained] | Summary and Q&A

November 17, 2018
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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Investing Terms Every Investor Must Know [Stock Market Explained]


Learn important investing terminology and strategies to create a successful portfolio that meets your financial goals.

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Key Insights

  • 🏛️ Asset allocation and diversification are crucial in building a successful investment portfolio.
  • 🥳 The expense ratio of mutual funds and advisor services can significantly impact investment returns.
  • 💄 Understanding valuation metrics and industry-specific measures helps in making informed investment decisions.
  • 🌸 Dollar cost averaging should be used cautiously to avoid potential losses.


hey we are live at it's 2:00 p.m. on the eastern seaboard here in the United States are live for the you know let's talk money live stream every week I try to do these and really it's just a great way to talk about what we talked about in the in the week's videos answer your questions and just really be part of that community and I'm loving the int... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is asset allocation and why is it important in investing?

Asset allocation refers to dividing your investments among different asset classes like stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. It is important because it helps in diversifying risk and achieving financial goals without relying solely on one type of investment.

Q: How does the expense ratio of mutual funds and advisor services affect investment returns?

The expense ratio is the cost charged by a mutual fund or advisor for managing your investments. Higher expense ratios can eat into your investment returns over time, so it is important to consider these costs and choose funds or advisors with lower expense ratios.

Q: What are some valuation metrics used to determine the value of stocks?

Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio and enterprise value-to-sales are common valuation metrics. P/E ratio measures a stock's price relative to its earnings, while enterprise value-to-sales compares a stock's market value plus debt minus cash to its sales.

Q: How can diversification across sectors and industries benefit a portfolio?

Diversification across sectors and industries helps spread risk and reduces the impact of a downturn in a particular sector. It allows you to benefit from growth in different industries and potentially lower the volatility of your portfolio.

Q: How does risk tolerance affect investment decisions?

Risk tolerance refers to an individual's comfort level with taking on investment risks. It plays a significant role in determining the allocation of investments and the types of assets chosen. High risk tolerance individuals may be more comfortable with aggressive growth strategies, while those with lower risk tolerance may prefer a more conservative approach.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • This live stream discusses important investing jargon and ideas to create a successful portfolio.

  • Asset allocation is crucial in building a portfolio that balances the risks and returns of different investments.

  • The expense ratio in mutual funds and advisor services is a significant cost to consider when investing.

  • Valuation metrics like price-to-earnings and enterprise value-to-sales help in determining the value of stocks.

  • Understanding sectors and industries allows for diversification and better investing decisions.

  • Dollar cost averaging can be an effective strategy if done cautiously, but it can also lead to losses if not properly managed.

  • Risk tolerance is essential in determining the level of risk an investor is comfortable with taking.

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