Introduction to the inverse of a function | Matrix transformations | Linear Algebra | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

October 28, 2009
Khan Academy
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Introduction to the inverse of a function | Matrix transformations | Linear Algebra | Khan Academy


Inverse functions are mappings that can reverse the actions of another function, and they are unique.

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Key Insights

  • 😫 A function can be graphically represented as a mapping from one set to another.
  • 😚 The identity function maps elements back to themselves, forming a closed loop on the set.
  • ❓ An inverse function can undo the actions of a given function when composed with it.
  • ❓ Inverse functions are unique; a function cannot have multiple inverse functions.
  • 🆘 Inverse functions help in understanding the reversal of actions and transformations in mathematics.
  • ❓ The composition of an inverse function with the original function results in the identity function on X or Y.


Let's say we have some function, f, and it's a mapping from the set X to Y. So if I were to draw the set X right there, that's my set X. If I were to draw the set Y, just like that. We know, and I've done this several videos ago, that a function just associates any member of our set X-- so I have some member of my set X there-- if I apply the funct... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is an inverse function and how does it relate to the concept of mapping?

An inverse function is a mapping that can undo the actions of a given function, essentially mapping back from the second set to the first set.

Q: How do the identity functions on X and Y relate to the concept of inverse functions?

The identity function on X maps all elements of X back to themselves, while the identity function on Y maps all elements of Y back to themselves. This concept helps define the behavior of an inverse function.

Q: Can a function have multiple inverse functions?

No, a function can only have one unique inverse function. If two functions satisfy the conditions for being an inverse of the original function, they will be equal to each other.

Q: What is the significance of inverse functions in mathematics?

Inverse functions play a crucial role in understanding how functions can be reversed and how certain transformations can be undone.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A function maps elements from one set (X) to another set (Y), associating each X with a corresponding Y.

  • The identity function maps elements back to themselves, forming a closed loop on the set.

  • An inverse function, denoted as f^(-1), is a mapping from Y to X that, when composed with f, returns the identity function on X or Y.

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