Introduction to angles (old) | Angles and intersecting lines | Geometry | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

November 10, 2007
Khan Academy
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Introduction to angles (old) | Angles and intersecting lines | Geometry | Khan Academy


This video covers the basics of angles, including definitions, measurements, and relationships between different angles.

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Key Insights

  • 🏆 Understanding angles is crucial for standardized tests and geometry.
  • 🫥 Perpendicular lines have a 90 degree angle.
  • 🪜 Angles in a circle add up to 360 degrees.
  • 🪜 Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees, while supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees.
  • 🔺 A protractor can be used to accurately measure angles.
  • 🫥 Perpendicular and perpendicular lines are commonly seen in shapes like squares and rectangles.
  • 🌓 Halfway around a circle is 180 degrees, and a quarter is 90 degrees.


Hello. In this series of presentations I'm going to try to teach you everything you need to know about triangles and angles and parallel lines. And this is probably the highest yield information that you could ever learn, and especially in terms of standardized tests. And then when we've learned all the rules we'll play something that I call the an... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How are angles measured?

Angles are measured in degrees or radians. In geometry, degrees are commonly used. A protractor is a tool that can be used to accurately measure angles.

Q: What does it mean for two lines to be perpendicular?

Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at a 90 degree angle. They are often seen in shapes like squares and rectangles.

Q: How are angles in a circle related?

There are 360 degrees in a circle. For example, if one angle in a circle is 135 degrees, the complementary angle would be 360 degrees - 135 degrees = 225 degrees.

Q: What is the difference between complementary and supplementary angles?

Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees, while supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees. These terms describe the relationship between two angles.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • An angle is a measure of how wide the intersection is between two lines and is measured in degrees or radians.

  • Perpendicular lines have a 90 degree angle, while wider angles can be measured using a protractor.

  • Angles in a circle add up to 360 degrees, with halfway around the circle being 180 degrees and a quarter being 90 degrees.

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