Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality | Summary and Q&A

May 5, 2014
CGP Grey
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Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality


Net neutrality ensures that all data on the internet is treated equally, preventing internet providers from controlling and limiting access to certain websites and services.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 Net neutrality is crucial for maintaining a fair and open internet, where all data is treated equally.
  • ✊ Removing net neutrality gives internet providers the power to control and restrict access to certain websites and services.
  • 💁 Preserving net neutrality is important to prevent internet providers from stifling competition and limiting access to information and services.


Hello Internet, Enjoying your Internetting session? Perhaps watching this video with lots of tabs open and full of interesting things to check out. The Internet is amazing and that's because of the rules which govern how it works, an important one of which is Net Neutrality: treating all data equally. But some Internet Providers want to ditch this ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is the principle that all data on the internet should be treated equally, without internet providers favoring or restricting certain websites or services.

Q: How does removing net neutrality affect internet access?

Removing net neutrality gives internet providers the power to prioritize certain data, potentially creating "fast lanes" for certain websites and charging more for access. This could limit access to certain websites and services.

Q: What are the dangers of not having net neutrality?

Without net neutrality, internet providers could prioritize their own services and restrict access to competitors. This could stifle competition and limit access to information and services for consumers.

Q: Why is preserving net neutrality important?

Preserving net neutrality ensures that all data on the internet is treated equally, allowing for fair competition, innovation, and access to information and services for all internet users.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Net neutrality is the principle that all data on the internet should be treated equally, without favoring or restricting certain websites or services.

  • By removing net neutrality, internet providers gain the power to prioritize certain data, creating "fast lanes" for some and potentially limiting access for others.

  • Preserving net neutrality is crucial to prevent internet providers from stifling competition and limiting access to information and services.

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