Integrating factors 2 | First order differential equations | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

August 31, 2008
Khan Academy
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Integrating factors 2 | First order differential equations | Khan Academy


By using an integrating factor, a differential equation that initially appears to be exact can be transformed into an exact one.

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Key Insights

  • 🤑 The use of an integrating factor allows non-exact differential equations to be solved more easily by transforming them into exact ones.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The choice of an integrating factor does not affect the general solution of the original differential equation.
  • ❓ Verification of exactness is done by comparing partial derivatives of the transformed equation.


And, in the last video, we had this differential equation. And it at least looked like it could be exact. But when we took the partial derivative of this expression, which we could call M with respect to y, it was different than the partial derivative of this expression, which is N in the exact differential equations world. It was different than N ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the role of an integrating factor in differential equations?

An integrating factor is multiplied to a non-exact differential equation to transform it into an exact equation that is easier to solve.

Q: How do you determine the integrating factor to use?

There are various integrating factors that can be used, but the specific choice does not matter as long as it makes the equation exact.

Q: How do you verify if a differential equation has become exact after multiplying by an integrating factor?

To verify exactness, you compare the partial derivatives of the transformed equation with respect to x and y, ensuring that they are equal.

Q: How is the solution of the exact equation determined after finding the integrating factor?

The solution involves finding a function psi that satisfies the given conditions, such as the partial derivative of psi with respect to x being equal to the transformed equation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video introduces the concept of an integrating factor and its purpose in making a non-exact differential equation exact.

  • It demonstrates the process of using an integrating factor to transform a non-exact equation into an exact one.

  • The video explains how to find the general solution of the exact equation by finding a function psi that satisfies the given conditions.

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