Inside the black hole image that made history | Sheperd Doeleman | Summary and Q&A

May 10, 2019
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Inside the black hole image that made history | Sheperd Doeleman


Shepherd Doeleman discusses how the recent image of a black hole was captured using a global team and synchronized telescopes.

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Key Insights

  • 🌌 Einstein's theory of gravity states that matter deforms space-time, and space-time tells matter how to move. When enough matter is concentrated in a small area, it punctures space-time, creating a black hole where even light cannot escape.
  • 🌎 The Earth moves around the Sun not because the Sun is pulling it, but because the Sun has changed the shape of space, causing the Earth to fall around it.
  • 🌌 Black holes are the smallest objects in the known universe but have significant effects on galaxies. To see a black hole, a telescope as large as the Earth is needed because black holes emit copious radio waves.
  • ⛰️ A telescope called the Large Millimeter Telescope, situated on a 15,000-foot mountain in Mexico, recorded half a petabyte of data for the black hole imaging. The data was then brought back by plane for analysis.
  • πŸ“· After analyzing the data using atomic clock precision, scientists were able to create an image of the black hole. The image shows the last orbit of photons and demonstrates Einstein's predicted geometry.
  • βš™οΈThe black hole is spinning, causing some gas to move towards us and some to recede, resulting in a brighter bottom portion of the image due to the boosted light coming towards us.
  • πŸ” The dark region in the image represents the event horizon of the black hole, where light is swallowed and cannot escape. The size of this dark region is comparable to the entire solar system.
  • πŸŒ€ Black holes are still a central mystery of our age, as they represent the point where the quantum world and gravitational world combine, and all forces become unified. What happens inside a black hole remains unknown.
  • 🌌 The team behind the black hole image consists of 200 people from 60 institutes and 20 countries. The collaboration showcases the power of teamwork and how science brings people together.


Chris Anderson: Shep, thank you so much for coming. I think your plane landed literally two hours ago in Vancouver. Such a treat to have you. So, talk us through how do you get from Einstein's equation to a black hole? Sheperd Doeleman: Over 100 years ago, Einstein came up with this geometric theory of gravity which deforms space-time. So, matter d... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Einstein's equation relate to black holes?

Einstein's equation, which is a geometric theory of gravity, explains how matter deforms space-time. When enough matter is concentrated in a small region, it creates a puncture in space-time known as a black hole, where even light cannot escape due to the force of gravity.

Q: How does the geometry of space-time affect the motion of celestial bodies?

The geometry of space-time determines how celestial bodies move. For example, the Earth's motion around the Sun is not due to the Sun pulling the Earth, but rather the Sun's mass changing the shape of space-time, causing the Earth to fall around it.

Q: What did the recent imaging of a black hole reveal?

The recent imaging of a black hole, specifically the one located in the galaxy M87, provided the first visual representation of what a black hole looks like. It showcased a dark region, known as the event horizon, where light is swallowed by the black hole. Additionally, the image depicted a ring of light, which is the orbit of photons around the black hole.

Q: How did scientists capture an image of a black hole?

Scientists captured an image of a black hole by utilizing a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry. This involved synchronizing telescopes across the globe to receive light waves from the black hole, which were then combined and analyzed using a supercomputer. The large amount of data collected was transported via planes, as it was more efficient than transmitting it over the internet.

Q: What is the significance of the black hole's size and its interaction with light?

The black hole in the galaxy M87 is incredibly massive, equal to about six and a half billion times the mass of the Sun. However, due to its distance from Earth, it appeared relatively small. The interaction of light with the black hole's gravitational field resulted in the formation of a ring of light around the event horizon, which demonstrated Einstein's theory of gravity and the behavior of space-time.


In this video, Chris Anderson interviews Sheperd Doeleman, who led the team that captured the first-ever image of a black hole. They discuss how black holes are formed, the process of capturing the image, and what the image reveals about these mysterious objects.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Einstein's theory of gravity contribute to our understanding of black holes?

Einstein's theory of gravity, developed over 100 years ago, explains how matter deforms space-time. When enough matter is concentrated in a small region, it punctures space-time, creating a black hole where even light cannot escape. Gravity, determined by the shape of space-time, influences the movement of matter.

Q: How did the team capture the image of a black hole?

The team used a technique called very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), which involved synchronizing telescopes all around the world to receive light waves from the black hole. The data collected were then combined to create an Earth-sized lens, revealing the image of the black hole.

Q: Why was it challenging to capture an image of a black hole?

Black holes are incredibly small objects, requiring a telescope the size of the Earth to observe them. Additionally, black holes emit radio waves, so capturing their image required ideal weather conditions at all the telescope locations to ensure a clear view.

Q: How far away is the black hole that was imaged?

The black hole in question is located in the galaxy M87, approximately 55 million light-years away from Earth.

Q: What makes the image of the black hole significant?

The image captures the last orbit of photons before they are trapped by the black hole's event horizon. This verifies Einstein's predictions about the geometry of space-time around a black hole and provides direct evidence of the existence of black holes.

Q: What creates the bright and dark regions in the image of the black hole?

The black hole's rotation causes some gas to move towards Earth and some to move away, resulting in brighter and darker regions in the image. The gas moving towards Earth emits more energy, making the bottom part of the image appear brighter.

Q: How big is the black hole that was imaged?

The size of the black hole's event horizon, which appears as the dark region in the image, is large enough to fit our entire solar system within it.

Q: What happens if something falls into a black hole?

If an object falls into a black hole, it would typically be stretched and torn apart due to the immense gravitational forces. However, in the case of the black hole that was imaged, its size is so large that it would not cause significant "spaghettification" to an object falling into it.

Q: What is the significance of studying black holes?

Black holes are an intriguing mystery because they represent the point where quantum physics and gravity intersect, providing an opportunity to study the fundamental forces of the universe. They also have a significant impact on the structure and dynamics of galaxies.

Q: Can we expect to see an image of the black hole in the center of our galaxy?

The team has already taken data on the black hole in the center of our galaxy and is currently working on analyzing it. This black hole is smaller but closer than the one imaged, making it potentially attainable to capture an image in the future.


Capturing the first image of a black hole was a remarkable achievement that provided visual confirmation of Einstein's theory of gravity and revealed the mysterious properties of these cosmic phenomena. The image showed the event horizon and the bending of light around the black hole, confirming predictions made over a century ago. The enormous international team of scientists used a network of telescopes around the world to overcome the challenge of imaging an object as small as a black hole. This groundbreaking research not only expanded our knowledge of black holes but also demonstrated the power of collaboration in scientific endeavors.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The conversation starts with a discussion about Einstein's equation and how it relates to black holes.

  • The team explains how they used telescopes all around the world to capture data and create an image of a black hole.

  • The image reveals the event horizon and the orbit of photons, confirming Einstein's predictions about the geometry of space-time.

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