Improve your English in 30 days with this ACTION PLAN - Marina Mogilko | Summary and Q&A

May 31, 2023
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Improve your English in 30 days with this ACTION PLAN - Marina Mogilko


Follow a 30-day plan to improve your English skills through daily activities, including learning new words, practicing collocations, and using them in sentences.

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Key Insights

  • 🤔 It is important to have specific and internal goals when learning English, such as improving pronunciation or becoming confident in speaking.
  • 😊 Finding personal connections or stories related to new vocabulary words can help with retention and make learning more enjoyable.
  • 🌍 Exploring historical origins or cultural contexts of words and phrases can enhance understanding and memory of new vocabulary.
  • 💡 Creating a study plan with specific goals, daily activities, and tracking progress can help maintain consistency and motivation in language learning.
  • 📚 Utilizing various resources, such as textbooks, online platforms, and native speaker conversations, can expand vocabulary and understanding of the language.
  • 🎯 Practicing and incorporating new vocabulary words into everyday conversations, writing, and reading materials can help solidify the learning process. ⏰ Consistency and routine are key in language learning, dedicating a few minutes every day to study will lead to gradual progress and improvement.
  • 💬 Engaging with native speakers or language exchange programs can provide opportunities to practice speaking and listening skills in real-life situations.


hey guys welcome to lingual Marina today we're going to talk about a 30-day plan to learn English and what I want you to do right now is uh first of all to take out your exercise book or maybe your note in your phone in order to write things down because we're gonna go through the plan day by day I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna do and I guaran... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can setting specific goals help in learning English effectively?

Setting specific goals is crucial in learning English as it provides direction and motivation. When you have clear goals, you can tailor your learning activities and track your progress accordingly. It helps you stay focused and committed, ultimately leading to more effective language learning.

Q: How can creating associations and using real-life examples help in vocabulary retention?

Creating associations and using real-life examples helps in vocabulary retention by providing context and emotional connections to the words. When you associate a new word with a story or an experience, it becomes more memorable and easier to recall. It also helps you understand the word's usage in everyday situations, making it more relevant and practical.

Q: How can online resources like and dictionaries enhance English language learning?

Online resources like and dictionaries provide access to a wide range of vocabulary, examples, and pronunciation guides. They offer audiovisual materials that can facilitate active learning and engagement. These resources can be used to learn new words, explore collocations, and practice pronunciation, helping learners improve their language skills in a convenient and interactive way.

Q: How can incorporating collocations into language learning benefit English learners?

Incorporating collocations into language learning helps English learners understand how words are commonly used together. It improves their understanding of the language's natural patterns and idiomatic expressions, making their language production more fluent and authentic. Collocations also enhance vocabulary retention by reinforcing word associations and creating stronger memory links.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Create specific goals for learning English and set a timeline for achieving them.

  • Use stories, associations, and real-life examples to remember new words and phrases.

  • Utilize online resources and tools like and dictionaries to learn and practice vocabulary.

  • Incorporate collocations into your learning by exploring how words are commonly used together.

  • Make a habit of revising and using the new words and phrases in your daily conversations and written work.

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