English study plan - 20-minute daily English learning routine | Summary and Q&A

November 16, 2022
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English study plan - 20-minute daily English learning routine


Practice English for 20 minutes a day with listening exercises, speaking practice, vocabulary building, and goal reflection.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ’¨ Consistent daily practice for 20 minutes is an effective way to learn and improve English language skills.
  • πŸƒ Listening exercises are vital for understanding different accents in English.
  • πŸ”Š Speaking practice, whether reading out loud or engaging with online platforms, helps with pronunciation and fluency.
  • πŸ₯³ Vocabulary practice should be limited to a few words a day to allow for focused learning and usage.
  • πŸ‚ Reflecting on goals and visualizing them through a dream board can significantly increase motivation and determination in language learning.


hey guys welcome to lingua Marina whenever people ask me Marina what is the best way to learn English I tell them practice every day and by practicing for only 20 minutes you can reach her goals in English pretty fast so in this video I'm gonna present you my 20-minute daily learning routine that you can use for learning English I'm Gonna Give You ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can listening exercises improve English language skills?

Listening exercises are crucial for improving English language skills because they expose learners to different accents and real-life speech. Platforms like ello.org provide resources with conversations divided into different levels, helping learners understand and adapt to various accents.

Q: How can speaking practice help in language learning?

Speaking practice is essential for language learning as it helps learners move words from their passive vocabulary to active vocabulary. Reading out loud, using speakandimprove.com's robot, or answering questions on ello.org can enhance pronunciation, listening comprehension, and fluency.

Q: What is the benefit of using speechnotes.com for language learning?

Speechnotes.com is a useful website for language learning as it transcribes spoken words, allowing learners to check their pronunciation and learn punctuation usage. This can help improve speaking skills and provide a tool for self-assessment and practice.

Q: Why is creating a dream board important for language learning goals?

Creating a dream board helps individuals visualize and stay motivated towards their language learning goals. By being specific and detailed in their wishes, learners can create a clear destination for their brain and track their progress, ultimately increasing their motivation and commitment to learning English.

Q: How can listening exercises improve English language skills?

Listening exercises are crucial for improving English language skills because they expose learners to different accents and real-life speech. Platforms like ello.org provide resources with conversations divided into different levels, helping learners understand and adapt to various accents.

More Insights

  • Consistent daily practice for 20 minutes is an effective way to learn and improve English language skills.

  • Listening exercises are vital for understanding different accents in English.

  • Speaking practice, whether reading out loud or engaging with online platforms, helps with pronunciation and fluency.

  • Vocabulary practice should be limited to a few words a day to allow for focused learning and usage.

  • Reflecting on goals and visualizing them through a dream board can significantly increase motivation and determination in language learning.

  • Resources like ello.org, speakandimprove.com, and speechnotes.com can aid in various aspects of language learning, including listening, speaking, and pronunciation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Start your 20-minute practice with a 5-minute listening task using resources like ello.org to expose yourself to different accents and real-life English speech.

  • Spend the next 5 minutes on speaking practice, either by reading out loud, using speakandimprove.com's robot, or answering questions on ello.org to elaborate your responses.

  • Allocate 7 minutes for vocabulary practice, focusing on 3 to 5 new words a day by creating sentences and saying them out loud. Use resources like audiobooks or reading materials to practice pronouncing unfamiliar words.

  • Conclude your practice with a 3-minute reflection on your language learning goals, using a dream board to visualize and motivate your progress.

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