May 21, 2013
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The content discusses the challenges the speaker faces in booktubing and their plan to improve in areas such as book reviewing, pronouncing author names, replying to comments, and being creative.

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Key Insights

  • 😑 Book reviewing can be challenging for some booktubers, including the speaker, who struggles with expressing their thoughts and recalling details immediately.
  • 🔇 Mispronouncing author names and book titles is a common issue among booktubers, and the speaker admits they have received criticism for their pronunciations.
  • 🥳 Replying to comments promptly is a struggle faced by many booktubers, especially when their posting frequency increases. The speaker plans to improve in this area by allocating a specific day for replying to comments.


yo what's up oh hey guys today I'm going to be making a video response to chapter chicks they made a video about booktubing things that they suck at and I suck at a lot of booktubing things too so I'm going to make a video response today be sure to check out chapter chick's original video I will leave it down in the down bar and I will also leave t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the speaker struggle with book reviewing?

The speaker has trouble putting their thoughts into words and recalling details immediately, making it challenging for them to articulate a coherent book review.

Q: How does the speaker plan to improve their book reviewing process?

The speaker intends to review books right after reading them to ensure they remember important details, character names, and their personal feelings while reading.

Q: What is one common mistake the speaker makes while booktubing?

The speaker often mispronounces author names and book titles, which their audience frequently points out.

Q: How does the speaker plan to address their difficulty in replying to comments?

The speaker acknowledges their poor track record in responding to comments and intends to dedicate a specific day each week to reply to all the comments they receive.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker admits to struggling with book reviewing, finding it difficult to articulate their thoughts and remember details right after finishing a book.

  • They also confess to mispronouncing author names and book titles, acknowledging that their audience often corrects them.

  • The speaker mentions their difficulty in replying to comments promptly, particularly after starting to post videos daily.

  • Lastly, they express the challenge of being creative and generating new ideas, acknowledging the saturation of existing book-related content.

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