How To Start YOUR YouTube Videos For Better Results | Summary and Q&A

February 22, 2020
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Start YOUR YouTube Videos For Better Results


Learn effective strategies for starting your YouTube videos and keeping viewers engaged to increase watch time.

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Key Insights

  • ⌚ Grabbing viewers' attention at the beginning of a YouTube video is crucial to keep them engaged and increase watch time.
  • 🫵 Long logo intros do not add value to viewers and may deter them from watching the content.
  • 🫵 The effectiveness of a subscribe call to action depends on how it is presented and the value offered to viewers.


  • I'm gonna tell you how to start your YouTube videos so you can keep people watching longer right after this quick introduction about an awesome video editing app that you should be using. This video is brought to you by Videoleap. Videoleap is a free mobile video editor that's super intuitive and easy to learn. With Videoleap, you can do anything... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the significance of grabbing viewers' attention at the beginning of a YouTube video?

Grabbing viewers' attention in the beginning is crucial because it increases the likelihood of them staying and watching the entire video. It sets the tone and expectations for the content they are about to consume.

Q: Should content creators include long logo intros in their videos?

No, it is recommended to keep intros short or skip them altogether. Viewers are more interested in the actual content rather than a lengthy branding intro. Time spent on intros can be better utilized in delivering valuable content.

Q: Is it necessary to include a subscribe call to action at the beginning of a video?

For new content creators or those struggling to gain traction, it is advisable to skip the subscribe call to action initially. Focus on getting viewers to watch a significant portion of your videos first before implementing tactics to increase subscriptions.

Q: How can content creators increase viewer retention in the beginning of their videos?

Experiment with various creative ideas to grab viewers' attention and pull them through the first few minutes of your video. This increases the likelihood of viewers watching the entire video or staying engaged for a longer period.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • This video discusses the importance of grabbing viewers' attention in the beginning of a YouTube video and provides examples of effective ways to do so.

  • It advises content creators to keep intros short or skip them altogether, as viewers are more interested in the actual content than a long branding intro.

  • The video also suggests that new creators focus on getting viewers to watch a significant portion of their videos before adding subscribe calls to action.

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