How To Sell Merch On YouTube For Free | Summary and Q&A

July 16, 2021
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Sell Merch On YouTube For Free


Learn how to create and optimize a merch store for your YouTube channel, even with a small subscriber count and watch time.

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Key Insights

  • ⏳ You can start selling merch on your YouTube channel even with a low subscriber count or watch time by including links in your video descriptions.
  • 😫 is a recommended platform for setting up a merch store due to its user-friendly interface and customization options.
  • 🎨 Creating appealing designs that align with your community's interests is essential for attracting buyers.
  • 🗯️ Optimizing titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords and targeting the right audience improves the visibility of your merch store.
  • 🏪 Customizing the store layout, including themes, colors, and the shop logo, helps create a cohesive brand experience.
  • ❓ Providing additional details about sizing, product suggestions, and model images can boost sales and customer satisfaction.
  • 👻 Using topics or categories on your merch store allows visitors to easily find products that interest them.


  • I'm gonna show you step by step how to set up a merch store for your YouTube channel. So you can start selling merch right away. And look, you do not have to have 1,000 subscribers. You do not need 4,000 hours of watch time because you can put links in your description that will send people over to your merch store. - [Children] Yay!
  • And the be... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I set up a merch store for my YouTube channel with a small subscriber count?

You can start selling merch right away by putting links in your YouTube video descriptions. You don't need a specific subscriber count to do this.

Q: Where can I create custom designs for my merchandise?

You can use design apps or websites like to create designs for your merch. They offer both free and paid options that you can customize.

Q: How should I optimize my product titles, descriptions, and tags?

When optimizing these details, consider the words and graphics on your merch as well as the target audience. Use relevant keywords and tags to reach potential buyers.

Q: What are some important factors to consider when setting up a merch store?

It's crucial to use a separate contact email and phone number, especially if you expect a high volume of sales. Additionally, comply with local laws and regulations regarding online commerce.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • This video provides a detailed guide on setting up a merch store for your YouTube channel using

  • The process involves creating designs, customizing products, optimizing titles and descriptions, and designing the store layout.

  • Important considerations include choosing relevant tags, using a separate contact email and phone number, and complying with legal requirements.

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