How To Research YouTube Video Ideas | YouTube Research Tools | Summary and Q&A

June 23, 2016
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Research YouTube Video Ideas | YouTube Research Tools


Learn how to research video topics using Google Keyword Planner, YouTube and Google autocomplete, Google Trends, community research, and personal ideas for maximum viewer engagement.

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Key Insights

  • 🔊 Utilizing tools like the Google Keyword Planner, YouTube and Google autocomplete, and Google Trends maximizes the likelihood of targeting video topics with high search volumes and viewer interest.
  • 🫵 Community research aids in finding communities where videos can be shared, increasing the chances of gaining followers and views.
  • 👨‍🔬 Personal ideas and unique video concepts should be balanced with topics that are actively searched for to optimize organic discovery.
  • 🎮 Analyzing competition on YouTube and understanding the view counts of competing videos provides insights into the potential success of chosen video topics.
  • ❓ Google Trends is particularly useful for creating timely content, as it indicates if the interest in a topic is increasing or decreasing.
  • 👨‍🔬 The success of a video depends on the topic's search volume, competition, and the potential audience size.
  • 🥺 Providing value to existing communities by sharing videos relevant to their interests can lead to increased views and followers.


I'm going to show you five ways to research video topics so you can reach the most viewers who are actually seeking the videos that you're making and we're starting right now I'm Nick Neiman this is video number two in my series on how to make quality videos for YouTube if you haven't watched the first videos yet there will be a link down in the de... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the Google Keyword Planner and how can it help with video topic research?

The Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that provides insights into popular words and phrases people are searching for on Google. It helps creators identify video topics with high search volumes and increases the chances of receiving views from potential viewers.

Q: Can YouTube and Google autocomplete assist in researching video topics?

Yes, YouTube and Google autocomplete offer valuable information by displaying competing videos and their view counts when searching for a specific topic. This allows creators to gauge the popularity and competition surrounding their chosen video topics.

Q: How does Google Trends contribute to video topic research?

Google Trends helps creators determine if the interest in a specific topic is growing or declining over time. This is particularly useful for creating videos about current events or industry-specific content to ensure the buzz around a topic is still relevant.

Q: Why is community research important for video topic selection?

Community research involves exploring platforms like Reddit, Google+, Facebook groups, and blogs related to the video topic. This research helps creators find large communities where they can share their videos and gain views and followers by adding value to those communities' interests.

Q: Is it beneficial to rely on personal ideas for video topics?

Personal ideas and unique video concepts are encouraged, but creators should prioritize making videos on topics that people actively search for. Combining personal ideas with high-demand topics improves organic discovery and viewer engagement.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Using the Google Keyword Planner allows creators to find popular phrases and words that people are searching for on Google, providing insights into potential video topics with high search volumes.

  • YouTube and Google autocomplete provide information on competing videos and their view counts, helping creators gauge the popularity of their desired video topics and assess competition from other channels.

  • Google Trends allows creators to see if the interest in a particular topic is growing or declining, especially useful for current events or industry-specific videos.

  • Community research involves exploring platforms such as Reddit, Google+, Facebook groups, and blogs to identify large communities interested in the topic of your video, thereby increasing potential views and followers.

  • Personal ideas and unique video concepts are encouraged, but creators should ensure their videos predominantly cater to topics that people are actively searching for to optimize organic discovery.

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