January 23, 2020
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In this video, the creator discusses tips on how to read more books and shares her love for boba tea.

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Key Insights

  • 🧋 Boba tea, also known as bubble tea, is a popular beverage originating from Taiwan and is known for its unique taste and chewy tapioca balls.
  • 🫠 The creator shares her personal tips for reading more books, including reading in the morning, clearing the mind, removing distractions, having the right mindset, and finding inspiration through positive book reviews or bookish content.
  • ⌛ Developing a reading habit and prioritizing reading time can be beneficial in establishing a routine and ensuring regular reading sessions.
  • ♻️ Creating a clean and organized reading environment can enhance focus and minimize distractions.
  • 🫠 Personal preferences and reading speeds vary, and it is important not to compare oneself to others, but rather focus on enjoying the reading experience.
  • 🤯 While some may find it difficult to clear their mind while reading, methods such as journaling or meditation can help create a calm mental state conducive to focused reading.
  • 🫠 The creator recommends seeking inspiration from bookish content or positive reviews to reignite the desire to read, especially during a reading slump.


it's probable break time today I'm introducing a new series on my channel called buh buh buh break where I take a break from reading grab myself some buh buh Big Bang webbing and chat about whatever bookish things I want to talk about for those of you who don't know what boba is it's the most magical drink that will ever touch your taste buds it's ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is boba tea and why is it popular?

Boba tea, also known as bubble tea, is a Taiwanese drink that contains chewy tapioca balls at the bottom. It has gained popularity worldwide due to its unique taste and variety of flavors.

Q: How can reading in the morning help with reading more books?

Reading in the morning helps establish a habit and ensures that reading is prioritized before other distractions or responsibilities arise. It also allows for a calm and quiet start to the day, ideal for focused reading.

Q: How can one clear their mind and eliminate distractions while reading?

While it may be challenging, methods such as journaling or meditation can help release distracting thoughts and create a peaceful mindset for reading. Additionally, creating a clean and organized reading space can enhance focus and minimize distractions.

Q: How can one develop a desire to read if they are in a reading slump?

Looking up positive reviews for the book one intends to read, seeking bookish content on platforms like BookTube, and reminding oneself of the joy and satisfaction that comes from finishing a book can help reignite the desire to read.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The creator introduces her new series "Buh Buh Buh Break" where she takes a break from reading to chat about bookish topics and enjoy some boba tea.

  • She talks about the origins of boba tea and her personal preference for it, mentioning that it may not be a drink for everyone.

  • The creator shares her tips on how to read more books, including reading in the morning, clearing the mind, eliminating distractions, and having the right mindset.

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