How to manage your time more effectively (according to machines) - Brian Christian | Summary and Q&A

January 2, 2018
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How to manage your time more effectively (according to machines) - Brian Christian


Computers can teach us valuable lessons about time management, including the importance of prioritization, the drawbacks of interruptions, and the benefits of interrupt coalescing.

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Key Insights

  • 💦 Time spent prioritizing work is time that could have been spent actually doing the work, so finding efficient ways to prioritize is crucial.
  • 🥺 Sometimes, abandoning the perfect order of tasks can lead to greater overall efficiency.
  • ⚖️ Balancing productivity and responsiveness is a challenge, but minimizing interruptions and grouping them can help strike the right balance.
  • 😣 Interrupt coalescing, a technique used in computer systems, can also be applied to human attention management to improve focus and rest.


In the summer of 1997, NASA's Pathfinder spacecraft landed on the surface of Mars, and began transmitting incredible, iconic images back to Earth. But several days in, something went terribly wrong. The transmissions stopped. Pathfinder was, in effect, procrastinating: keeping itself fully occupied but failing to do its most important work. Wha... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the scheduling bug in NASA's Pathfinder spacecraft affect its ability to transmit images?

The bug in its scheduler caused the spacecraft to keep itself occupied with less important tasks, resulting in a delay in transmitting images and a failure to prioritize its most important work.

Q: What was the solution implemented by Linux to address the issue of ranking tasks?

Linux replaced the full ranking system with a limited number of priority "buckets," sacrificing precision in task ranking but allowing for more time to be spent on making progress.

Q: What is the downside of prioritizing work based on importance in email inbox management?

Prioritizing work based on importance in email inbox management follows a quadratic-time algorithm, meaning that as the inbox gets fuller, the time and work required to deal with each message doubles.

Q: How can interrupt coalescing benefit productivity and responsiveness?

Interrupt coalescing, which groups interruptions based on their urgency, minimizes context switches and allows for better productivity while still being responsive to incoming tasks.

Q: How did the scheduling bug in NASA's Pathfinder spacecraft affect its ability to transmit images?

The bug in its scheduler caused the spacecraft to keep itself occupied with less important tasks, resulting in a delay in transmitting images and a failure to prioritize its most important work.

More Insights

  • Time spent prioritizing work is time that could have been spent actually doing the work, so finding efficient ways to prioritize is crucial.

  • Sometimes, abandoning the perfect order of tasks can lead to greater overall efficiency.

  • Balancing productivity and responsiveness is a challenge, but minimizing interruptions and grouping them can help strike the right balance.

  • Interrupt coalescing, a technique used in computer systems, can also be applied to human attention management to improve focus and rest.

  • Rest is a scarce resource in modern life, and adopting strategies from computer systems can help us reclaim our attention and find moments of rest.


This video explores the concept of computer scheduling and its implications for human time management. It highlights the challenges faced by computers when managing tasks and draws parallels to our own struggles with prioritization, interruptions, and productivity. The video offers insights and solutions from computer science that can be applied to enhance our own time management skills.

Questions & Answers

Q: What happened to NASA's Pathfinder spacecraft on Mars?

After transmitting incredible images back to Earth, the transmissions suddenly stopped due to a bug in its scheduler.

Q: What is a scheduler in an operating system?

A scheduler is a component in an operating system that determines how long the CPU works on each task before switching to another task.

Q: How do computers give the illusion of doing everything simultaneously?

When the scheduling is done right, computers smoothly move between various tasks, making it seem as if they are doing everything simultaneously.

Q: What can we learn from computers getting overwhelmed sometimes?

It provides consolation and highlights that even machines can struggle under heavy workloads, similar to human experiences.

Q: How does spending time prioritizing work affect productivity?

Spending time on prioritizing work takes away from actual task execution, leading to decreased productivity.

Q: What is a quadratic-time algorithm?

A quadratic-time algorithm describes a process where the time taken to complete a task doubles with every doubling of the workload.

Q: How did Linux programmers address the problem of task prioritization?

They replaced the full ranking of tasks with limited priority "buckets" to spend more time on making progress rather than ranking tasks.

Q: Can doing the most important task first always be efficient?

Insisting on doing only the most important task first can lead to an overload if the workload becomes significantly larger, as it may take exponentially longer to clear.

Q: Is there an alternative approach to prioritizing tasks?

Prioritizing tasks in chronological order or even random order can be more efficient than always doing the most important thing first.

Q: What tradeoff exists between productivity and responsiveness?

There is a tradeoff between getting serious work done (productivity) and being responsive to interruptions. Minimizing context switches is essential for productivity, but being responsive requires reacting to interruptions.

Q: What is interrupt coalescing, and how does it relate to productivity?

Interrupt coalescing is a technique that groups interruptions together rather than dealing with them individually as they occur. This approach improves productivity by reducing context switches and allowing uninterrupted work blocks.

Q: How does interrupt coalescing improve laptop battery life?

By deferring interruptions and checking them all at once, interrupt coalescing allows the system to quickly enter a low-power state, leading to a significant improvement in laptop battery life.


The video offers valuable insights from computer science on time management. We learn that prioritizing work can lead to inefficiency and that giving up on doing things in the perfect order may be the key to getting them done. Furthermore, minimizing interruptions and grouping them together can maximize productivity. By adopting these techniques, we can reclaim our attention and find much-needed rest in our modern lives.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • NASA's Pathfinder spacecraft encountered scheduling issues due to a bug in its operating system's scheduler, emphasizing the importance of efficient time management.

  • Prioritizing work can be time-consuming and inefficient, as demonstrated by the quadratic-time algorithm used in email inbox management.

  • Linux's solution to ranking tasks by introducing priority "buckets" highlights the tradeoff between precision and progress.

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