The philosophy of Stoicism - Massimo Pigliucci | Summary and Q&A

June 19, 2017
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The philosophy of Stoicism - Massimo Pigliucci


Zeno of Cyprus, a shipwrecked merchant, founded Stoicism after being inspired by the teachings of Socrates. Stoicism emphasizes virtue, self-control, and tolerance, and has influenced philosophy, psychology, and leadership throughout history.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Zeno of Cyprus founded Stoicism after a shipwreck, showing that adversity can lead to transformative experiences.
  • 🤳 Stoicism emphasizes virtues, self-control, and justice, providing a framework for personal growth and resilience.
  • 🏑 Stoicism has influenced leaders like Marcus Aurelius and Nelson Mandela, as well as various fields such as psychology and philosophy.
  • 💦 It promotes a pragmatic approach to life, emphasizing acceptance of circumstances while actively working towards positive change.
  • ❓ Stoicism highlights the importance of recognizing our shared humanity and treating others with fairness and compassion.
  • 🤳 The Stoic principle that suffering stems from our judgments aligns with modern psychological approaches to changing self-defeating attitudes.
  • 🛟 Stoicism's focus on finding meaning in challenging situations resonates with Viktor Frankl's logotherapy and the concept of filling life with meaning.


You've been stranded thousands of miles from home with no money or possessions. Such a predicament would make many people despair and curse their awful fate. But for Zeno of Cyprus, it became the foundation of his life's work and legacy. The once wealthy merchant lost everything when he was shipwrecked in Athens around 300 BCE. With not much else t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Zeno of Cyprus become the founder of Stoicism?

Zeno of Cyprus, a wealthy merchant who became stranded in Athens due to a shipwreck, sought solace in reading about Socrates. Intrigued and inspired, he began studying with philosophers, eventually founding Stoicism.

Q: What are the key principles of Stoicism?

Stoicism emphasizes four cardinal virtues: practical wisdom in dealing with complex situations, temperance in exercising self-restraint, justice in treating others fairly, and courage in facing daily challenges with clarity and integrity.

Q: How did Stoicism influence Marcus Aurelius and Nelson Mandela?

Stoicism gave Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, the resilience to lead the empire during wars and personal losses. Similarly, Nelson Mandela found guidance and strength in Stoicism during his imprisonment and struggle for racial equality.

Q: How has Stoicism influenced other fields?

Stoicism has influenced Christian theology, with its focus on virtues and shared humanity. It also aligns with concepts like tranquility of mind in Buddhism and has influenced modern psychology, such as rational emotive behavioral therapy and logotherapy.

Q: How did Zeno of Cyprus become the founder of Stoicism?

Zeno of Cyprus, a wealthy merchant who became stranded in Athens due to a shipwreck, sought solace in reading about Socrates. Intrigued and inspired, he began studying with philosophers, eventually founding Stoicism.

More Insights

  • Zeno of Cyprus founded Stoicism after a shipwreck, showing that adversity can lead to transformative experiences.

  • Stoicism emphasizes virtues, self-control, and justice, providing a framework for personal growth and resilience.

  • Stoicism has influenced leaders like Marcus Aurelius and Nelson Mandela, as well as various fields such as psychology and philosophy.

  • It promotes a pragmatic approach to life, emphasizing acceptance of circumstances while actively working towards positive change.

  • Stoicism highlights the importance of recognizing our shared humanity and treating others with fairness and compassion.

  • The Stoic principle that suffering stems from our judgments aligns with modern psychological approaches to changing self-defeating attitudes.

  • Stoicism's focus on finding meaning in challenging situations resonates with Viktor Frankl's logotherapy and the concept of filling life with meaning.

  • While Stoicism as a formal institution faded away, its influence continues to impact society through various disciplines and teachings.


Zeno of Cyprus, a wealthy merchant, lost everything when he was shipwrecked in Athens and became intrigued by reading about Socrates. He then studied with philosophers and originated the philosophy known as Stoicism. Stoicism is more than just an attitude - it believes in a rational structure of the universe and focuses on personal improvement through four cardinal virtues: practical wisdom, temperance, justice, and courage. Stoicism calls for humane treatment of others and encourages positive change. It has influenced influential figures such as Marcus Aurelius and Nelson Mandela. Stoicism has parallels with Christian theology and Buddhist concepts. Epictetus, a notable Stoic philosopher, wrote that suffering stems from our judgments about events, which resonates with modern psychology and self-help movements.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Zeno of Cyprus become interested in philosophy, specifically Stoicism?

Zeno of Cyprus became interested in philosophy and Stoicism after losing everything when he was shipwrecked in Athens. He wandered into a book shop and came across writings about Socrates, which intrigued him and led him to seek out and study with the city's noted philosophers.

Q: What are the main teachings of Stoicism?

Stoicism teaches the virtues of virtue, tolerance, and self-control. It believes in a rational structure of the universe called logos, where everything operates according to cause and effect. Stoics focus on personal improvement through four cardinal virtues: practical wisdom, temperance, justice, and courage. They aim to deal with the world as it is while pursuing self-improvement.

Q: How does Stoicism view the concept of control?

Stoicism acknowledges that we may not always have control over the events affecting us, but it emphasizes that we can have control over how we approach things. Stoics believe in focusing on what is within their control and accepting what is not.

Q: What is the significance of the term "stoic" in today's language?

In today's language, the term "stoic" colloquially refers to someone who remains calm under pressure and avoids emotional extremes. While this term captures important aspects of Stoicism, the original philosophy was more than just an attitude. It encompassed the teachings of virtue, tolerance, and self-control.

Q: How does Stoicism differ from imagining an ideal society?

Stoicism differs from imagining an ideal society in that it encourages individuals to deal with the world as it is. Rather than focusing on creating an ideal society, Stoics seek self-improvement and personal growth while navigating the complexities of the world.

Q: How does Stoicism promote positive change and treat others with fairness?

Stoicism promotes positive change by emphasizing that only people who have cultivated virtue and self-control in themselves can bring about positive change in others. Stoics believe in treating others with fairness, even when they have done wrong, as a fundamental aspect of justice.

Q: How did Stoicism influence Marcus Aurelius and Nelson Mandela?

Stoicism gave Marcus Aurelius the resolve to lead the Roman Empire through two major wars and cope with the loss of his children during his 19-year reign. Centuries later, Marcus's journals guided and comforted Nelson Mandela during his 27-year imprisonment. Stoicism influenced Mandela's belief in peace, reconciliation, and building a better, more just future.

Q: What is the history and current influence of Stoicism?

Stoicism was an active school of philosophy in Greece and Rome for several centuries. While it has faded away as a formal institution, its influence has continued to this day. Christian theologians, like Thomas Aquinas, have admired and adopted Stoicism's focus on virtues. Stoicism also has parallels with the Buddhist concept of Nirvana. It has influenced modern psychology and self-help movements, such as rational emotive behavioral therapy and Viktor Frankl's logotherapy.

Q: How does Stoicism view suffering and its relation to judgment?

Stoicism views suffering as stemming not from the events in our lives, but from our judgments about them. According to Stoic philosopher Epictetus, it is our attitudes and judgments that determine our level of suffering. This perspective has resonated with modern psychology and the self-help movement, leading to therapies that aim to change self-defeating attitudes about life circumstances.

Q: How does Stoicism promote finding meaning and purpose in life?

Stoicism promotes finding meaning and purpose in life by harnessing our willpower. According to Viktor Frankl's logotherapy, which is influenced by Stoicism, we have the ability to fill our lives with meaning, even in the bleakest situations. Stoicism encourages individuals to cultivate virtue, self-control, and a sense of purpose, allowing them to find meaning and value in their lives.


Stoicism, originating from Zeno of Cyprus, is a philosophy that emphasizes virtue, tolerance, and self-control. It focuses on personal improvement through four cardinal virtues: practical wisdom, temperance, justice, and courage. Stoicism encourages individuals to approach the world as it is and bring about positive change while treating others with fairness. Its influence can be seen in figures like Marcus Aurelius and Nelson Mandela. Stoicism has parallels with other philosophical and religious concepts, and it continues to resonate with modern psychology and self-help movements, particularly in its understanding of suffering and finding meaning in life.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Zeno of Cyprus, after losing everything in a shipwreck, found solace and purpose in studying philosophy, which led to the origin of Stoicism.

  • Stoicism teaches the importance of virtue, self-control, tolerance, and justice, as well as practical wisdom in navigating life's challenges.

  • Stoicism has influenced thinkers, leaders, and disciplines such as psychology, self-help, and even Christian theology.

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