How To Make Closing Agency Clients Easy: Selling 'Painkillers’ | Summary and Q&A

June 1, 2021
Charlie Morgan
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How To Make Closing Agency Clients Easy: Selling 'Painkillers’


When selling agency services, it's crucial to focus on the end result and the emotions it brings, rather than on the features or methods used. Understanding this emotional aspect is key to successful sales.

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Key Insights

  • 🪡 The painkiller market's worth highlights the importance of understanding and selling emotional needs in any industry. (25 words)
  • ❤️‍🩹 Agency owners need to shift their focus from features and methods to selling the end result and associated emotions to resonate with potential clients. (27 words)
  • 👻 Understanding that human behavior is driven by avoiding pain and seeking pleasure allows for more effective sales strategies focused on emotions and desired outcomes. (32 words)
  • 🧘 Successful sales involve exploring the emotions and desires of prospects, as it helps in positioning agency services as a painkiller and solution to their needs. (32 words)
  • 😨 Focusing on the emotions associated with the desired outcome is not manipulative if done with genuine care and the intention to help. (22 words)
  • 🎚️ Selling the result and the emotions it brings is a fourth or fifth-order consequence that resonates with prospects on a subconscious level. (25 words)
  • 🐕‍🦺 Agency owners should understand that their services are not just about the features or methods, but about the emotions and happiness they bring to clients. (24 words)


hey everyone charlie morgan here and welcome back to another video uh in this video we are going to be discussing painkillers now you might be wondering what the hell does that have anything to do with this why is it a strange title why are we talking about painkillers um and as i go through this video i promise that everything will make sense um b... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do agency owners struggle with sales?

Agency owners often focus on features and methods rather than understanding and selling the emotional needs and desired outcomes of their clients. This leads to a lack of resonance and poor sales conversion rates.

Q: What should agency owners focus on when selling their services?

Agency owners should focus on selling the end result and the emotions associated with it. By understanding the emotional needs of their clients, they can position their services as the solution to avoiding pain and achieving desired happiness.

Q: Is it important to explore the emotional side of prospects during sales calls?

Yes, exploring the emotions and deeper desires of prospects is crucial in successful sales. When done with genuine care and the intention to help, delving into emotional connections allows for better understanding and resonance with the prospect's needs.

Q: Is focusing on the emotional side of sales manipulative?

Focusing on the emotional side of sales is not manipulative if done with genuine care and the intention to help. It is about understanding and connecting with the needs and desires of the prospect to provide a solution that genuinely brings them happiness and avoids pain.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Painkiller market is a multi-billion industry, highlighting the importance of understanding and selling the emotional needs of customers.

  • Many agency owners struggle with sales because they focus on features and methods rather than the desired outcome and emotions.

  • Selling the result and the emotions it brings is crucial in marketing agency services and resonating with potential clients.

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