How to Make Asynchronous Work Part of Your Your Company Culture | Summary and Q&A

February 4, 2023
The a16z Podcast
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How to Make Asynchronous Work Part of Your Your Company Culture


GitLab integrates asynchronous workflows into its culture to optimize productivity and respect for others' time in a globally distributed team.

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Key Insights

  • 🙈 Synchronous and asynchronous workflows should be seen as complementary tools rather than exclusive choices.
  • 🫡 Prioritizing asynchronous communication shows respect for others' time and allows for more flexibility in remote work.
  • 😤 Building infrastructure and knowledge management systems are essential for scaling knowledge in globally distributed teams.
  • ⌛ Optional meetings with clear agendas and documentation enable effective collaboration across different time zones and availabilities.
  • 📝 Encouraging memos over meetings and replacing certain meeting types with asynchronous alternatives can significantly reduce unnecessary meetings.
  • ❓ Successful remote collaboration requires a shift in management philosophies, focusing on knowledge retrieval rather than transfer.
  • 🫡 Asynchronous workflows are about more than just work; they contribute to a culture of respect and inclusivity.


foreign you mentioned sync versus async we try to look at it as sync complementing async there are there are two tools in a toolbox sometimes you need the synchronous tools sometimes you need the asynchronous tool but we've been very intentional about weaving asynchronous workflows into the culture at get lab and and to create massive Tailwinds aro... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does GitLab prioritize asynchronous communication?

GitLab believes that asynchronous communication is more respectful of others' time and allows work to progress without requiring immediate availability or lengthy meetings.

Q: How does GitLab ensure collaboration in the absence of synchronous meetings?

All meetings at GitLab are optional, with a strict agenda requirement. Team members can contribute questions or input their thoughts asynchronously using tools like Loom. Information from meetings is documented and accessible for reference.

Q: How does GitLab enable efficient remote knowledge sharing?

GitLab focuses on building infrastructure and knowledge management systems to ensure information is not limited to individuals' understanding. Documentation in handbooks and the use of memos over meetings help scale knowledge effectively.

Q: What are some low-hanging fruit to reduce unnecessary meetings?

Status updates, FYIs, and recurring meetings can often be replaced with asynchronous alternatives such as memos or documented updates, enabling teams to reduce the number of synchronous meetings.


In this video, the speaker discusses the importance of asynchronous communication and workflows in a globally distributed organization. They explain how GitLab has integrated asynchronous communication into their values and operating principles, emphasizing the respect for others' time and the need for efficient knowledge retrieval. The speaker also highlights the role of agendas in meetings, the benefits of documentation and knowledge management systems, and suggests replacing some meetings with memos and status updates.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does GitLab approach synchronous and asynchronous communication?

GitLab sees synchronous and asynchronous communication as complementary tools in their toolbox. They believe that both types of communication have their place, depending on the situation. However, they have intentionally woven asynchronous workflows into their culture to create a major positive influence (Tailwinds). This approach encourages people to learn to do things differently and challenges what has brought them success thus far. By integrating asynchronous communication into their values and operating principles, GitLab has made it a non-optional aspect of their organization.

Q: Why is asynchronous communication about showing respect to others?

GitLab considers asynchronous communication not just as a way to facilitate work, but also as a means of demonstrating respect for other people's time. They have prioritized asynchronous communication as an operating principle within their values page, even bundling it with their diversity inclusion and belonging value. By moving work forward without commandeering large blocks of someone's day, they are being more thoughtful and considerate of others' time commitments. This focus on respect makes asynchronous communication an integral part of GitLab's approach.

Q: Why do organizations struggle to take full advantage of the possibilities of remote work?

Many organizations have struggled to maximize the potential of remote work because they have simply copied and pasted the office environment into the virtual environment without adapting to the unique advantages of being globally distributed. One of the core reasons for this is that traditional management philosophies prioritize the speed of knowledge transfer, or how quickly information can be passed between individuals. However, to thrive in a globally distributed setting, organizations must optimize for the speed of knowledge retrieval. This means enabling individuals to quickly seek and find information on parallel tracks without the need for direct interaction. Building infrastructure and systems to enable this kind of knowledge retrieval is essential.

Q: How does GitLab approach meetings in a remote work environment?

At GitLab, all meetings are optional, and they have specific criteria for accepting synchronous meetings onto the calendar. One essential requirement is that all work meetings must have an agenda. This ensures that even if someone cannot attend the meeting synchronously, they have access to the agenda and can contribute questions or information beforehand. Agendas also serve as documentation that can be referenced even after the meeting has taken place, enabling the scaling of information. GitLab also documents what makes a good meeting and what elements should not be included, striving to make meetings as efficient and effective as possible.

Q: Can you explain the concept of "memos over meetings"?

The concept of "memos over meetings" suggests replacing some meetings with written memos, status updates, or recurring messages. This approach emphasizes asynchronous communication and reduces the need for synchronous interactions. By using memos, organizations can convey information, provide updates, and disseminate important decisions without having to schedule and gather people for a meeting. This approach is seen as a low-hanging fruit in reducing meeting overload and encouraging efficient communication.


The speaker highlights the importance of asynchronous communication in a globally distributed organization. By integrating it into their values and operating principles, GitLab values respect for others' time and emphasizes efficient knowledge retrieval. They emphasize the need for infrastructure and systems that optimize for this kind of information flow. Additionally, GitLab adopts a proactive approach to meetings, making them optional, and requiring agendas for work meetings to enable asynchronous participation and documentation. Embracing "memos over meetings" can also help reduce meeting overload.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • GitLab encourages both synchronous and asynchronous workflows, considering them complementary tools for effective collaboration.

  • Asynchronous communication is prioritized to respect team members' time and create a culture that embraces new ways of working.

  • Building infrastructure and knowledge management systems that optimize for asynchronous retrieval of information is crucial for successful remote work.

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