Olivia Moore Shares Trending Apps in 2023 | Summary and Q&A

March 25, 2023
The a16z Podcast
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Olivia Moore Shares Trending Apps in 2023

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In this video, the speaker discusses the kind of apps that are expected to thrive in 2023. They highlight an early leader called TAMU, a commerce app developed by a Chinese company called Pinduoduo. TAMU offers deep discounts on products and gamifies the commerce experience. The speaker also mentions the trend of AI-first products, with examples such as TikTok and TAMU, that leverage invisible AI to cater to user interests. They discuss the stickiness of these apps and how users find them addictive due to their strong AI algorithms. Additionally, the speaker talks about the counterintuitive trend of limiting virality on TikTok and the pushback on the addictive nature of these apps, where even users themselves limit their usage. They mention Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, and apps like BeReal as examples of platforms that benefit from this pushback and provide a more fulfilling or healthy way to engage with social media.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is TAMU and why has it been successful so far?

TAMU is a commerce app developed by the Chinese company Pinduoduo. It offers deep discounts on products and gamifies the commerce experience. The more friends you invite to add a product to the order, the lower the price goes. In the US version of the app, there is less gamification, but it still provides significant discounts on products shipped from overseas. TAMU has seen a high number of downloads due to its ability to offer free items and even cash rewards by inviting friends to download the app.

Q: How has TAMU performed in terms of popularity compared to other apps?

TAMU has consistently been at the top in terms of popularity, being ranked as the number one app for 22 out of 25 days so far in the year. This level of popularity is comparable to the top apps of the previous year. The speaker predicts that TAMU will likely be among the top five, if not higher, in terms of app popularity in 2023.

Q: What is the trend of AI-first products, and how does it apply to apps like TikTok and TAMU?

AI-first products refer to applications that heavily utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to enhance user experiences. TikTok and TAMU are examples of such products. TikTok's algorithm analyzes user preferences and serves them with content catered to their interests, which contributes to the app's addictive nature. TAMU also employs AI to understand user behavior and serve them with deals and products that align with their interests. This trend of utilizing AI infrastructure is expected to continue in 2023.

Q: How does the sticky nature of apps like TikTok contribute to their success?

The stickiness of apps like TikTok is attributed to their ability to follow users' changing interests over time. TikTok's strong AI backend enables it to track user preferences and serve them with content relevant to their evolving tastes. This eliminates the need for users to look for alternative apps, as TikTok consistently adapts to their changing preferences. The speaker highlights how this stickiness is more effective at retaining users compared to AI that is more overt in its presence, like in the app Lensa.

Q: What is the counterintuitive trend observed with virality on TikTok?

A counterintuitive trend observed with virality on TikTok is that some startups have started limiting their own virality when their videos gain too many views. This limitation is done temporarily by shutting off or archiving videos that are driving a significant number of downloads but not necessarily converting those downloads into engaged users effectively. Founders are strategizing how to better utilize TikTok to their advantage by controlling the timing and magnitude of virality.

Q: What are some examples of apps that leverage the pushback against addictive apps?

One example mentioned is Instagram reels, which benefits from users shifting their attention from TikTok due to its addictive nature. Users seek alternatives that offer a similar short-form video experience but with less addictive algorithms. Another example is YouTube shorts, which serves as another platform that competes with TikTok while benefiting from the pushback against addictive apps. Apps like BeReal also fit into this trend, as they provide a more fulfilling and healthier way to engage with social media by limiting the time spent on the app and focusing on more authentic interactions.


The rise of TAMU as an early leader and the trend of AI-first products indicate the direction of app development in 2023. The success of apps like TikTok and TAMU, driven by their addictive and sticky nature, showcases the power of invisible AI and personalized algorithms. However, there is a pushback against these addictive apps, leading to the emergence of alternatives like Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, and BeReal. Founders are now more mindful of controlling virality on platforms like TikTok to ensure the successful conversion of downloads into engaged users. The competition to capture users' attention while providing a fulfilling and healthier user experience is expected to be a significant trend in the app landscape of 2023.

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