How To Look Natural and Confident In YOUR YouTube Videos | Summary and Q&A

November 2, 2014
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Look Natural and Confident In YOUR YouTube Videos


Learn three techniques to appear more natural on video, including having someone read your lines, reading and reciting, and bulleting or outlining.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 Reading from a script can make video creators appear robotic and less authentic, so finding methods to appear more natural is crucial.
  • 😃 Having someone else read your lines can help you maintain eye contact with the camera while adding a personal touch to the script.
  • 🫠 The read and recite technique, ideal for jump cut style videos, allows for easy editing and a smoother delivery.
  • 🥶 Bulleting or outlining provides structure and keeps you on track while promoting freer conversation and a more natural delivery.


Are you having trouble looking or sounding natural on video because it looks or sounds like you´re reading from a teleprompter or something else? In this video I´m going to show you three different methods that can help you look or sound more natural starting right now. Since I recently started my channel I´ve been watching a lot of othe... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can having someone read my lines to me help improve my video presentation?

Having someone read your lines allows you to focus on maintaining eye contact with the camera and adding your personal touch to the script, leading to a more natural and authentic delivery.

Q: Can I use the read and recite technique for longer, uncut videos?

The read and recite technique works best for jump cut style videos, where you can easily edit out mistakes. For longer, uncut videos, bulleting or outlining may be more suitable to maintain a natural flow while staying on track.

Q: How can bulleting or outlining improve my video presentation?

Bulleting or outlining helps you stay on track with your main points while allowing for freer conversation as if you were speaking to someone in person. It provides a sense of structure without sounding overly scripted.

Q: How can I physically loosen up before making a video to appear more natural?

Loosening up physically before filming can help relieve tension in your body. Try practicing your lines out loud, making strange noises, or engaging in short bursts of exhales to release any built-up tension.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many creators struggle to appear natural when reading scripts on camera, so it's crucial to find techniques to loosen up and sound more authentic.

  • Method 1: Have someone read your lines to you, allowing you to repeat them in your own way, maintaining eye contact with the camera. However, this method requires another person.

  • Method 2: Read and recite is ideal for jump cut style videos, enabling you to cut between text blocks and easily edit out mistakes. Graphics can help enhance the flow.

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