How to Get Subscribers FAST on YouTube | Summary and Q&A

August 25, 2018
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How to Get Subscribers FAST on YouTube


Learn how to grow your YouTube channel fast by creating content that resonates with your audience, being consistent with uploads, and constantly educating yourself on the platform's changes.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Creating content that aligns with your audience's preferences is essential for attracting and retaining viewers.
  • 🫵 Consistency in uploading videos helps maintain visibility and reach more potential viewers.
  • 👻 Staying educated and informed about YouTube's changes and algorithm updates allows creators to adapt their strategies and optimize their channels.
  • 🫵 Adding value to viewers' lives and connecting with the audience on a deeper level fosters growth and loyalty.
  • 🤩 Patience and persistence are key in building a successful YouTube channel, as it may take time to see significant results.
  • 👾 The video content space is expanding, presenting more opportunities for creators in terms of reach and impact.
  • 🥺 Comparison and discouragement are common, but focusing on personal growth and learning can lead to long-term success.


(high energy music) - At the time of this video, I have over 250,000 subscribers. I've gained almost 200,000 subscribers just in the last 12 months. So I'm gonna tell you how you can grow your YouTube channel fast as well. And we're starting right now. (hip-hop music) First, I wanna give a shout out to the Nimminati, you have made this whole YouTub... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I determine the type of content my audience wants to watch?

Analyze your channel's analytics to identify videos that have received positive responses and adjust your content strategy accordingly. Pay attention to the types of videos that generate the most engagement and replicate their success.

Q: How important is consistency in growing a YouTube channel?

Consistency is key in building a loyal audience. Regularly uploading content helps you stay in viewers' minds and be recommended more frequently by YouTube, increasing your chances of gaining more subscribers and views.

Q: How can I make my content resonate with my target audience?

Pay attention to the background, presentation, visual elements, and language used in your videos. Ensure that every aspect appeals to the demographic you want to attract, showcasing your creativity and adding value to their watching experience.

Q: How can I stay updated with YouTube's changes and algorithms?

Continue educating yourself on the platform by going through the YouTube Creator Academy, watching content from other creators, and observing what works and what doesn't. Stay adaptable and open to learning new strategies to keep up with the evolving landscape.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Create videos that cater to your audience's preferences, such as live-streaming videos, mobile videos, and tips on growing a channel.

  • Consistency is crucial in maintaining visibility on the platform and staying in the minds of your viewers, leading to increased recommendations and exposure.

  • Pay attention to all aspects of your content, including visuals, audio, language, and overall presentation, to resonate with your target audience.

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