How To Get Sponsored On YouTube Even If Your Channel Is Small | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Get Sponsored On YouTube Even If Your Channel Is Small


This video provides valuable insights on how YouTube content creators can approach brand deals and sponsorships, emphasizing the importance of outreach, understanding brand objectives, pricing strategies, and effective communication.

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Key Insights

  • 🤝 Proactive outreach to brands increases the chances of securing brand deals.
  • 🫵 Views alone may not be the determining factor; brands prioritize alignment with their target audience and specific objectives.
  • 🥅 Understanding brand goals and designing packages that cater to those goals is crucial for pricing sponsorships effectively.
  • 🎓 Effective communication and education are essential to avoid undervaluation or gaslighting from brands.
  • 👔 Tying package offerings to brand objectives provides opportunities for upselling and comprehensive collaborations.
  • 🤝 Content creators should take control of the conversation and actively pursue brand deals rather than waiting passively.
  • ⚖️ Balancing personal value and brand objectives is vital to secure mutually beneficial sponsorships.


  • If you wanna do brand deals or sponsorships as a YouTube content creator and you don't know where to start, this video is going to help you a ton. And to make sure you get the best information about this, I called in my buddy Justin Moore. He's gotten the content creators he works with over $5 million in brand deals. So he has tons of experience,... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Should content creators do outreach or wait for brands to reach out to them?

It is recommended for content creators to take the initiative and reach out to brands that align with their audience and can benefit from their content. Waiting for brands to approach often leads to missed opportunities.

Q: How many views should content creators have before seeking brand deals?

The number of views is not the sole criterion for securing brand deals. Brands may prioritize audience demographics, niche content, or specific objectives when considering collaborations with content creators.

Q: What should content creators prepare when seeking brand deals?

Instead of focusing on personal statistics and demographics, content creators should research and understand the brand's goals and objectives. By positioning themselves as valuable partners who can help brands achieve specific objectives, creators can increase their chances of securing brand deals.

Q: How should content creators price their sponsorships?

Pricing should be based on understanding the brand's success metrics and campaign goals. Different campaigns may have varying levels of control, usage rights, and exclusivity, which should be taken into account when determining the pricing.

Q: How can content creators navigate budget constraints from brands?

Content creators should ensure their proposals offer different package options tied to the brand's goals and objectives. This allows brands to choose the package that aligns with their budget while still achieving their desired outcomes. It is essential to avoid arbitrary price reductions that devalue the creator's work.

Q: How do brands take advantage of content creators?

Some brands may try to gaslight creators by comparing them to others or undervaluing their contributions. Content creators should be confident in their unique value proposition, rights, and formats they offer and should not let brands gaslight or undervalue them.

Q: Can content creators upsell brands?

Content creators can upsell brands by tying their package offerings to the brand's goals. By offering higher-tier packages that accomplish additional objectives, creators can provide brands with a comprehensive solution that directly aligns with their campaign ambitions.

Q: What advice would you give to content creators seeking brand deals?

Content creators should become proactive in educating brands about fair compensation and collaboration practices. They should take control of the conversation, understand brand goals, and position themselves as valuable partners. It is crucial to shift from a passive mindset and actively pursue opportunities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Content creators should proactively reach out to brands rather than waiting for brands to approach them, as this increases their chances of securing brand deals.

  • The number of views is not the sole determinant for content creators seeking brand deals, as brands may prioritize specific audience demographics or niche content that aligns with their objectives.

  • Content creators should focus on how they can help brands achieve their business goals instead of solely promoting their own statistics, demographics, and reach.

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