How To Get Noticed On YouTube | Summary and Q&A

September 16, 2016
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Get Noticed On YouTube


Learn simple strategies to stand out on YouTube and gain more views by using pattern interrupt and creating themed playlists.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Pattern interrupt, such as attention-grabbing hairstyles, can help creators get noticed on YouTube and attract more views.
  • 🫵 Creating themed playlists and using congruent thumbnails can break the pattern of random search results and increase the likelihood of viewers clicking on your videos.
  • 🙈 Leveraging these strategies has seen significant growth in views and subscribers for Brian G. Johnson.
  • 💦 Standing out on YouTube requires both hard work and smart work, including using effective strategies to attract and engage viewers.
  • 💭 Incorporating themed videos, attractive thumbnails, and playlists can give your channel a well-thought-out and visually appealing look.
  • 🥺 Building a cohesive channel design and encouraging subscriptions can lead to channel growth.
  • 💗 Brian G. Johnson's channel provides valuable content and tips for growing your channel on YouTube.


  • In this video, you're gonna learn some very simple things that you can do to get noticed on YouTube so that you can grow your channel by standing out from the crowd and doing the things that most YouTubers just don't do, and we're starting right now. (instrumental music) For this video, I called my buddy, Brian G. Johnson, to come on and share so... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is pattern interrupt and how can it help get more views on YouTube?

Pattern interrupt refers to using attention-grabbing elements, such as unique hairstyles, to stand out and capture viewers' attention. By implementing pattern interrupt, creators can attract more views and gain visibility on YouTube.

Q: How can themed playlists and congruent thumbnails help in getting noticed on YouTube?

Themed playlists and congruent thumbnails create a consistent and visually appealing experience for viewers. By grouping similar videos together and using eye-catching thumbnails, creators can increase the chances of viewers clicking on their videos and subsequently watching more.

Q: How can creators make their channel more appealing and encourage subscriptions?

By incorporating themed videos, creating attractive thumbnails, and leveraging playlists, creators can give their channel a well-designed and cohesive look. This not only stops people from scrolling but also encourages them to subscribe, leading to channel growth.

Q: Is hard work alone enough to succeed on YouTube?

Hard work is essential, but pairing it with smart work is the key to success on YouTube. Utilizing strategies like pattern interrupt, themed playlists, and attractive thumbnails can help creators stand out and gain more views and subscribers.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Brian G. Johnson shares his method of using pattern interrupt, such as attention-grabbing hairstyles, to gain more views and get noticed on YouTube.

  • Creating themed playlists and using congruent thumbnails helps break the pattern of random search results, increasing the likelihood of viewers clicking on your videos.

  • Leveraging this strategy has seen substantial growth in views and subscribers for Brian, making it a highly recommended approach for YouTube creators.

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