How To Get Better Audio Quality For YouTube | Summary and Q&A

October 15, 2016
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Get Better Audio Quality For YouTube


Learn how to process audio for video editing, including removing noise, adding EQ, balancing audio levels, and adding creative effects.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 Audio processing is essential for creating a professional and immersive video experience.
  • ❓ Removing background noise improves the overall quality of the audio.
  • ❓ EQ adjustments can enhance the presence and warmth of the voice.
  • 🎑 Balancing audio levels is crucial for a pleasant viewing experience.
  • 🎮 Creative effects can add a touch of uniqueness and professionalism to the video.
  • 👋 Testing audio on different devices and headphones ensures it sounds good across various platforms.
  • 💇 Cut-ins and transitions synchronized with the music can make the video more engaging.


I'm going to show you the basics of what you need to know to process audio for your videos and we're starting right now I'm Nick this is video number 7 in the series on how to make videos for YouTube if you have not watched the other videos yet there will be a playlist linked down in the description below to get you started we're going to be in fro... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the first step in processing audio for videos?

The first step is removing background noise by capturing a noise print from a section of silence and applying noise reduction to the entire track.

Q: How can EQ adjustments improve the sound of the voice?

EQ adjustments can boost specific frequencies in the voice, such as highs and lows, to add more presence and warmth to the sound.

Q: What are some general rules for balancing audio levels?

It is recommended to keep the music track lower than the voice to avoid overpowering. Sound effects should complement the video without being too distracting.

Q: How can creative effects be added to the audio?

Creative effects, such as panning or adding special sounds, can be used to enhance the viewing experience and create interest in the video.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Audio is crucial for creating a great video experience and should be taken seriously.

  • Removing background noise can be done by capturing a noise print and applying noise reduction techniques to the entire track.

  • EQ adjustments can be made to boost certain frequencies in the voice and add warmth and presence.

  • Balancing audio levels between voice, music, and sound effects is important to create a pleasant viewing experience.

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