How To Find New Content Ideas | Summary and Q&A

November 15, 2014
Nick Nimmin
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How To Find New Content Ideas


This video provides a system for generating new content ideas by breaking down topics into smaller details, utilizing internet forums for inspiration, and taking breaks to refresh the mind.

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Key Insights

  • 🖐️ Content creation plays a crucial role in providing new information for consumers.
  • 🍳 Breaking down topics into smaller details uncovers numerous content ideas within a niche.
  • 🛟 Forums and internet communities serve as excellent sources of inspiration and content ideas.
  • 🤯 Taking breaks and engaging in activities that refresh the mind can stimulate new content ideas.
  • 👶 Having a content schedule helps alleviate the pressure of constantly coming up with new ideas.
  • 🥹 Backing up data, including content ideas, is essential to prevent loss and inconvenience.
  • ❓ YouTube, Reddit, and SlideShare are platforms with vast content resources and inspiration.


Are you having trouble coming up with content ideas for your blog or your video channel? Worry no more! In this video I´m going to have you swimming in an endless sea of ideas and we´re starting right now. (music) Content Is still king and it´ll always reign supreme because if we stopped creating new content the world would fall into a deep, ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can breaking down a topic into smaller details help generate content ideas?

Breaking down a topic into smaller details helps identify various subtopics and sub-subtopics, leading to countless content ideas. For example, within the topic of cleaning stairs, you can explore cleaning methods for different types of stairs, ways to preserve the color in carpeted stairs, and tips for cleaning bannisters and walls.

Q: How can forums be used to find content ideas?

Forums are a valuable source of content ideas as they are filled with people seeking solutions and seeking better ways to do things. By looking at the problems and questions raised in forum posts, you can discover new content ideas that provide solutions and answers to these concerns.

Q: What are some potential sources of inspiration on the internet?

YouTube and Reddit are great platforms to find inspiration due to their large communities. However, it's important to use them with caution as they can be distracting. In addition, SlideShare is a valuable resource for discovering inspiration within various niches.

Q: How can taking breaks help in generating content ideas?

Taking breaks allows your mind to wander and think about other things, which can result in new content ideas. Going for a walk or engaging in an activity that allows your mind to be free and refreshed can help stimulate creativity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Content creation is essential as it provides new information for consumers to enjoy.

  • Generating content ideas becomes easier when applying a system and mixing in inspiration.

  • Breaking down topics into smaller details helps uncover a multitude of ideas within a niche.

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