How to Engage + Motivate Your Students Even When You're Remote! | Summary and Q&A

May 8, 2020
Khan Academy
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How to Engage + Motivate Your Students Even When You're Remote!


Conor Corey, an experienced teacher, shares his strategies for engaging students in remote learning, including using Khan Academy and Flipgrid, setting personalized goals, and creating a sense of community.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Setting personalized goals based on students' current academic levels can lead to increased engagement and progress.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Platforms like Flipgrid provide opportunities for student interaction, creating a sense of community and involvement in the learning process.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Inclusive education is essential, and districts should address the needs of all students, including those with IEPs, during remote learning.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Teachers should continue to communicate and support students during challenging times, fostering a positive and encouraging learning environment.
  • 🫷 Reviewing and reinforcing foundational skills can be effective during remote learning, rather than focusing solely on pushing forward with new content.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Connecting with parents and involving them in students' learning can enhance engagement and motivation.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Creativity and humor can create memorable and enjoyable experiences for students, contributing to increased interest and participation.


  • [Jeremy] Thanks everyone for getting started. Hold on one moment, and we'll begin in about 10 minutes. - [Woman] Begin. - Okay everyone, this is Jeremy Schifeling with Khan Academy. Thank you so much for your patience getting started this morning or this afternoon, depending on where you're calling in from. It is my extreme privilege to introduce... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Conor Corey ensure students are working at an appropriate level for their needs?

Corey sets personalized goals for each student based on their current academic level. He uses Lego figures with goals written on them and celebrates their achievement when the goals are met.

Q: How does Corey engage students who are not usually active in face-to-face classroom settings, especially in an online environment?

Corey finds that online tools like Flipgrid help to engage introverted students. For example, he noticed a shy student who rarely participated in class become more outgoing and active when using Flipgrid. It provides a safe space for students to share their thoughts and ideas.

Q: What strategies does Corey use to keep students motivated and persisting through tough times?

Corey believes that maintaining open lines of communication is crucial. He reaches out to students individually using platforms like Flipgrid and sends them math riddles for fun. He also involves parents by creating challenges and activities that can be done at home.

Q: How does Corey accommodate special education students during remote learning?

Corey acknowledges the challenges of catering to all students during this time. He believes that districts should address the needs of students with individual education plans (IEPs) and ensure equal access to education. Personalized instruction and differentiated learning techniques can be used to support special education students.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Conor Corey, a teacher with 17 years of experience, discusses how he has been using Khan Academy for the past 10 years to overcome resource limitations and personalize learning for his students.

  • He emphasizes the importance of knowing your students and setting personalized goals based on their current academic level for better engagement and progress.

  • Corey also highlights the value of using Flipgrid to create a sense of community and encourage student participation through video assignments and interaction.

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