How to Create a STOP MOTION Animation | Easy Canva Tutorial | Summary and Q&A

July 1, 2021
Design with Canva
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How to Create a STOP MOTION Animation | Easy Canva Tutorial


Learn how to make a free stop motion animation in Canva, using a square format and simple elements.

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Key Insights

  • 🥶 Canva offers a free tool to create stop motion animations using the video feature.
  • 💁 The tutorial emphasizes starting with a square format and customizing the background color.
  • 🏛️ The animation is built by duplicating and repositioning elements in each frame.
  • 🪜 Canva provides options for customizing colors, adding animated text, and previewing the animation in progress.


in today's tutorial i'm going to teach you how to create a simple stop motion animation in canva and we're going to do everything for free so if you guys are interested in this tutorial let's go to my computer here we are on my camper account and to start with this animation we are going to be selecting an specific canva and duct tape so for this o... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Can I create a stop motion animation for free in Canva?

Yes, this tutorial shows you how to create a stop motion animation in Canva for free using the video feature.

Q: Can I customize the colors of the elements in Canva?

Yes, Canva allows you to change the color of elements. Simply select the element and use the color menu to choose a different color or adjust saturation.

Q: Can I preview my animation while working on it?

Yes, Canva allows you to preview your animation by clicking on the preview button in the navigation bar. This helps you see the progress and make adjustments as needed.

Q: Can I add animated text to my stop motion animation?

Yes, you can add animated text to your animation. Canva provides free animations that you can apply to text elements, allowing you to create dynamic effects.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The tutorial demonstrates how to create a stop motion animation in Canva using the video feature and a square format.

  • The tutorial starts by selecting the Facebook video format and customizing the background color.

  • The animation is built from scratch using a single element (heart) that is duplicated and positioned in each frame to create movement.

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