How to Castrate a Bull | Dave Hitz | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

April 13, 2009
Talks at Google
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How to Castrate a Bull | Dave Hitz | Talks at Google


Dave Hitz discusses his experience transitioning from an engineer to a manager and the importance of culture and values in a company.

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Key Insights

  • 😫 Transitioning from an engineer to a manager requires adapting to a different set of skills, such as convincing and guiding rather than giving instructions.
  • πŸ’¦ Building a positive work culture based on values like integrity and trust can significantly impact a company's success and employee satisfaction.
  • πŸ“” Choosing a unique and attention-grabbing title for a book can generate interest and curiosity.
  • πŸͺ‘ Being customer-centric and addressing specific needs can help a company differentiate itself from competitors.
  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ­ The predictability of human decision-making can be influenced by various factors, including personal biases and external pressures.
  • 🌱 Planning for long-term success requires maintaining a balance between customer-centric strategies and the development of unique IP.


welcome to today's authors at Google event today's speaker is Dave hits and if you have questions later I want to remind you to use the microphone so that our remote sites can hear the questions so back to the introduction no problem oh ah yes please turn off your cell phones I was getting getting secret signals from the back Dave's going to come l... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Dave Hitz transition from being an engineer to a manager?

Dave Hitz initially resisted becoming a manager but was eventually convinced by his CEO. He learned that management is about guiding and convincing rather than giving direct instructions.

Q: How did culture and values play a role in NetApp's success?

NetApp focused on values like integrity, trust, and teamwork, which helped in building a positive work environment. These values also guided their decision-making process and fostered strong relationships with customers.

Q: Why did Dave Hitz choose the title "How to Castrate a Bull" for his book?

The title came from an experience working on a cattle ranch and was initially a code name for the book. However, the publisher decided to keep it as the title due to its intriguing nature.

Q: How did NetApp differentiate itself from competitors like Sun Microsystems?

NetApp focused on addressing specific customer needs, such as providing affordable and reliable storage solutions. They targeted customers who needed scalable and efficient data management instead of directly competing with high-end solutions.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Dave Hitz shares his journey from being an engineer to becoming a manager, highlighting the challenges and lessons he learned during the transition.

  • He emphasizes the significance of culture and values in a company and how they can contribute to the success or failure of an organization.

  • Hitz also talks about his book, "How to Castrate a Bull," which captures the story of NetApp and provides insights into the different phases of a company's growth.

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