How To Build Your BRAND, THINK BIGGER & Find CLARITY In Life | Rob Dyrdek & Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

December 16, 2020
Success Habits
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How To Build Your BRAND, THINK BIGGER & Find CLARITY In Life | Rob Dyrdek & Jay Shetty

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In this video, Rob Dyrdek, a school dropout turned pro skateboarder turned TV host turned entrepreneur, talks about his journey of constantly evolving and transitioning from one passion to another. He shares his experiences in creating successful businesses and finding clarity in life. Rob emphasizes the importance of designing a life that aligns with your legacy, lifestyle, and happiness. He also discusses his involvement in Pig Out Chips and the process of investing in businesses. Rob's core principles revolve around defending and pursuing happiness, clarity, and the art of constantly evolving.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Rob get involved in Pig Out Chips?

Rob got involved in Pig Out Chips through his evolved way of creating and investing in businesses. He saw the potential in the vegan market and was fascinated by the taste of the product. As he invested in the company, he realized the need for a unique brand name and eventually came up with the name "Pig Out." The collaboration between Rob and the founder of Pig Out Chips resulted in a successful partnership.

Q: How did Rob evolve and recreate himself over time?

Rob's journey of constant evolution and recreation stems from his deep belief, relentless drive, and self-reflection. He mentions how he grew over two years by engaging in podcast interviews every six to eight months. Rob's constant pursuit of growth and self-improvement has allowed him to reinvent himself in various industries, from skateboarding to television hosting to entrepreneurship.

Q: Why does Rob choose to have deep conversations in podcasts rather than traditional interviews?

Rob believes that podcasts provide a platform for real, deep conversations. Unlike traditional interviews, podcasts allow him to share a different side of himself and engage in discussions that go beyond surface-level topics. Rob values authenticity and believes that podcasts offer a space for genuine conversations about beliefs, philosophies, ideas, motivations, and happiness.

Q: What are Rob's core principles in life and business?

Rob's core principles revolve around designing a life that leads to legacy, lifestyle, and happiness. He created a system where every decision he makes aligns with these three aspects. His principles include being tuned in with energy, feeling light in existence, defending happiness, and having clarity in what he wants to achieve in life. Rob's ultimate goal is to live an extraordinary life filled with success, balance, and happiness.

Q: How does Rob find clarity despite living in an unclear and uncertain world?

Rob finds clarity by looking at his life holistically and breaking it down into different aspects, such as relationships, work, and free time. He tracks his daily feelings about each aspect and identifies the things that make his life problematic. By addressing these challenges, learning, and refining his approach, Rob gradually gains more clarity. He emphasizes the importance of defining what life you want and making decisions that support that vision.

Q: How does Rob approach the transition and evolution process?

Rob sees the transition and evolution process as a continuous refinement of his vision and goals. He believes in constantly evolving, breaking things down into smaller steps, and continuously learning from each step. By staying committed to mastering life, he aims to live a life of clarity, bliss, and fulfillment. Rob acknowledges that the transition can be challenging, but he embraces the process as it leads to personal growth and self-mastery.

Q: Why does Rob place so much importance on clarity?

Clarity is vital to Rob because it allows him to align his actions with his intentions and goals. He believes that clarity is a key element in designing a life that brings happiness and fulfillment. Rob's obsession with clarity stems from his desire to make sense of his life and his commitment to constant improvement and evolution. He considers clarity as a fundamental aspect of living an extraordinary life.

Q: How does Rob balance the paradox of hosting ridiculousness and pursuing meaningful depth?

Rob acknowledges the paradox he embodies, from hosting a lighthearted show like Ridiculousness to pursuing meaningful depth in his life and business endeavors. He explains that Ridiculousness was created as a business opportunity but does not define him entirely. Rob is currently transitioning towards showcasing his true way of thinking and focusing on living a life aligned with his principles. He aims to be known for more than just hosting a clip show, and his future content will reflect his evolved thinking.

Q: How did Rob navigate the process of dropping out of school and pursuing entrepreneurship at a young age?

When Rob dropped out of school at 16, it wasn't a decision that came with fear or uncertainty. He grew up around entrepreneurs and was gifted with deep self-belief. For him, starting a company and becoming a professional skateboarder felt natural and aligned with his upbringing. Rob's strong belief in himself and the support of those around him allowed him to pursue his passions without second-guessing himself.

Q: How did Rob find the self-belief and clarity to pursue his passions?

Rob found self-belief and clarity through deep introspection, commitment to growth, and continuous learning. He emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself and identifying what brings lightness and fulfillment in life. Rob's journey involved a profound commitment to mastering himself, designing a life plan that aligns with his values, and constantly evolving his mindset and approach. He considers self-belief and clarity as powerful tools for pursuing happiness and achieving success.


Rob Dyrdek's journey is a testament to the power of self-belief, constant evolution, and designing a life that aligns with legacy, lifestyle, and happiness. He emphasizes the importance of clarity and the art of continuously refining one's vision and goals. Rob's core principles revolve around defending and pursuing happiness, which he sees as the ultimate purpose of life. His determination to create businesses that bring joy and meaning to himself and others is inspiring. Rob's perspective challenges the notion that demystifying everything is the only path to success, reminding us of the beauty in the process of exploration and intellectual curiosity. Overall, his story serves as a reminder that personal growth and self-mastery are lifelong journeys worth embracing.

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