Use These DAILY HACKS To Reverse Aging & Live Over 120+ YEARS OLD! | Dave Asprey | Summary and Q&A

May 13, 2022
Health & Wellness
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Use These DAILY HACKS To Reverse Aging & Live Over 120+ YEARS OLD! | Dave Asprey

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This video discusses various topics related to brain health and longevity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of pushing oneself to evolve and grow, even if it involves discomfort. He shares his personal experiences with neuroscience and stem cell therapy and emphasizes the need to take care of one's biology to achieve optimal brain function. The speaker also discusses the potential for humans to live beyond 180 years and the importance of taking care of the world in order to achieve this.

Questions & Answers

Q: Whose brain has fascinated the speaker the most?

The speaker mentions a neuroscience institute called 40 Years of Zen and talks about various individuals he encountered there. He mentions a spiritual leader, Dr. Barry Morgelon, who possesses extraordinary abilities and has worked with well-known figures like Tony Robbins and the speaker himself.

Q: What is the purpose of the 40 Years of Zen program?

The 40 Years of Zen program is a five-day intensive neuroscience program that aims to assess and improve brain performance. It involves using custom hardware and software to monitor brain activity and performance tune the brain, similar to tuning a race car. The program has seen notable individuals, including spiritual leaders and experts in various fields.

Q: How does the speaker explain the concept of "real superhumans"?

The speaker believes that the most interesting advancements occur in individuals who are outliers, i.e., those who exhibit exceptional abilities beyond the norm. He emphasizes the potential for all individuals to enhance their abilities and achieve similar levels of performance. The goal is to tap into the untapped potential within each person.

Q: What inspired the speaker to write his book and explore neuroscience?

The speaker wanted to share his research on the minds of monks and the parallels between their meditative practices and neuroscience. He wanted to bridge the gap between spiritual practices and scientific understanding. The speaker emphasizes the need for personal development and the importance of optimizing one's brain through proper nutrition.

Q: How does the speaker describe his personal journey to optimal health?

The speaker shares his personal struggle with weight and health issues. He tried various diets and intense workout routines but saw little to no improvement. It was only when he delved into research, experimented with different approaches, and optimized his biology that he experienced significant changes in his health and well-being.

Q: What is the speaker's perspective on longevity and living beyond 180 years?

The speaker expresses his aspiration to live beyond 180 years and explains that it is based on the exponential growth and advancements in technology and knowledge. He believes that with proper care of one's biology, the extension of human lifespan is not only possible but also desirable. He envisions a future where highly energetic, healthy, and resilient older individuals become valuable resources in society.

Q: How does the speaker address concerns about mental health and resilience in modern society?

The speaker acknowledges that mental health challenges and the ability to cope with traumatic events or challenges have increased in modern society. However, he suggests that ancient wisdom and practices, combined with modern neuroscience, can provide solutions. By cultivating resilience and using tools such as neurofeedback and breathing exercises, individuals can improve their mental well-being and switch between different states like focus, empathy, and discipline more effectively.

Q: What is the speaker's perspective on discomfort and suffering?

The speaker differentiates between discomfort and suffering, stating that discomfort is a natural part of growth and evolution. He believes that suffering arises when one resists discomfort. It is essential to embrace discomfort in order to push oneself forward and achieve personal and cognitive growth.

Q: What are some basic foods that are good for the brain, according to the speaker?

The speaker emphasizes the importance of consuming healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, macadamia nuts, and coconut oil. He highlights that the brain predominantly consists of saturated fats and benefits from a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fats. He also stresses the importance of avoiding deep-fried and oxidized plant oils, as they can lead to inflammation and negatively affect brain health.

Q: How does the speaker address concerns about the risks associated with certain procedures or interventions?

The speaker focuses on the concept of risk versus reward and emphasizes the importance of evaluating the return on investment in terms of energy, time, and money spent. He discusses his personal experiences with stem cell therapy and other procedures and expresses confidence in the low risks involved when performed by trained professionals. He encourages individuals to consider the risks of not taking action and highlights the potential benefits of embracing certain interventions.


The video highlights the importance of embracing discomfort and pushing oneself to evolve in order to achieve optimal brain health and longevity. The speaker encourages individuals to take care of their biology through proper nutrition and the avoidance of harmful substances. He emphasizes the potential for humans to live beyond 180 years and the need for a shift in societal perspectives on aging. The focus is on optimizing brain function, cultivating resilience, and using scientific advancements to enhance human potential.

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