Airbnb Founder: The Number 1 Thing People Get Wrong About Happiness and Success | Brian Chesky | Summary and Q&A

September 11, 2023
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Airbnb Founder: The Number 1 Thing People Get Wrong About Happiness and Success | Brian Chesky

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In this video, Brian Chesky, co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, discusses his journey to success, the importance of relationships, and the epidemic of loneliness in modern society. He shares his personal experiences with loneliness and how it has shaped his perspective. Chesky emphasizes the need for deep connections and the impact it has on personal well-being, leadership, and society as a whole.

Questions & Answers

Q: What initially made Brian Chesky happy and how does it differ from what makes him happy now?

Chesky explains that when he started Airbnb, his idea of happiness was centered around achieving success and climbing the mountain of entrepreneurship. However, as he achieved success, he realized that it was not longevity or material possessions that brought him true happiness. Today, what makes him happy is working with people he loves and being able to pursue his passion for creating and connecting things. He finds fulfillment in sharing his experiences and giving back to others.

Q: How did Chesky and his co-founders maintain their friendship while building a successful company?

Chesky shares that building a company with friends can be challenging, as many bands or partnerships dissolve over time. However, he and his co-founders made a conscious decision to prioritize their friendship over winning arguments or individual success. They maintain a deep love and respect for each other, continuously reminding themselves that no single decision should supersede their relationship. This mindset allowed them to navigate conflicts and maintain a strong bond throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

Q: How has loneliness impacted Chesky's life and how did he address it?

Chesky reflects on his personal experiences with loneliness, both before and during his journey with Airbnb. He describes feeling isolated and disconnected, even with people around him. The pandemic further intensified these feelings, as he found himself alone in his house, spending countless hours on Zoom meetings. Realizing the importance of meaningful relationships, he took proactive steps to reconnect with old friends, spend time with loved ones, and even adopt a dog. Chesky emphasizes the pivotal role of relationships in combating loneliness and finding fulfillment.

Q: How did Chesky's loneliness contribute to his mission of building a travel community?

Chesky shares that his personal experiences with loneliness led him to explore the broader issue of disconnection in modern society. He believes that loneliness, at its core, is a result of disconnection from oneself, from others, and from the world. With Airbnb, he aims to create a travel community that fosters trust, connection, and meaningful experiences. By facilitating connections between people and allowing them to share their lives and cultures, Airbnb can address the growing epidemic of loneliness and reestablish the importance of human connection.

Q: What has Chesky learned about the potential of human connection through his journey with Airbnb?

Chesky explains that Airbnb's success and growth have reinforced his belief that people are fundamentally good. With over one billion guest arrivals and interactions in nearly every country, Airbnb has witnessed the goodness and similarities among people. Chesky highlights the need to recognize our shared humanity and overcome the notion of an "other." By embracing empathy, shared experiences, and genuine connections, Airbnb has become a platform that brings people together and demonstrates the power of human connection.

Q: How does loneliness impact leadership, according to Chesky?

Chesky discusses the impact of loneliness on leadership, citing that 50% of CEOs experience loneliness. He emphasizes that a lonely leader is less trusting, more paranoid, and often lacking resilience and empathy. Loneliness can lead to decision-making flaws and create a disconnected environment within organizations. Chesky underscores the importance of addressing loneliness not only on an individual level but also within leadership roles to foster healthy, connected societies.

Q: What societal implications does Chesky see in the current epidemic of loneliness?

Chesky points out that the current epidemic of loneliness is a societal crisis, affecting individuals of all ages, from teenagers to seniors. He highlights the connection between loneliness and mental health issues, such as suicidal ideations. Chesky believes that society's emphasis on differences and a sense of otherness exacerbates feelings of disconnection. He urges society to prioritize human connection and build a future where people genuinely understand and empathize with one another.

Q: How does Chesky view loneliness in relation to technological advancements?

Chesky acknowledges the role of technology, such as digitization and social media, in contributing to feelings of loneliness. He explains that while these advancements offer convenience and efficiency, they also lead to less physical proximity and genuine human interaction. Chesky advocates for a careful balance, making sure that technology enhances connection rather than isolating individuals. He encourages society to consider how our digital habits affect our overall well-being and interpersonal relationships.

Q: How does Chesky define loneliness as a disconnection from oneself, others, and the world?

Chesky views loneliness as a result of disconnection on multiple levels. He believes that individuals need to have a sense of self-acceptance and understanding to combat the loneliness within oneself. Building deep connections and relationships with others helps address the loneliness of not feeling seen or understood. Lastly, recognizing our interconnectedness with the world and the importance of shared humanity helps combat the loneliness that comes from feeling isolated from the larger context of existence.

Q: What is Chesky's ultimate vision for Airbnb?

Chesky explains that his vision for Airbnb is to transform it from a travel service to a travel community. He aims to create a platform that fosters trust, connection, and genuine human experiences. By prioritizing relationships and human connection, Airbnb can contribute to alleviating the loneliness epidemic and inspire a greater sense of empathy and understanding among people. Chesky believes that human connections have the power to transcend borders, bridging gaps and promoting a more interconnected world.


Brian Chesky's journey with loneliness has shaped his perspective on success, relationships, and the need for connection in modern society. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining deep connections and prioritizing relationships over material success. Chesky believes that loneliness is a significant societal crisis, impacting individuals of all ages and leading to various mental health issues. He urges society to embrace empathy, shared experiences, and genuine connections to combat loneliness and foster healthier, more connected communities. Chesky's vision for Airbnb expands beyond travel, aiming to build a platform that facilitates trust, connection, and meaningful human experiences.

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