How to be a Pirate Quartermaster. 📈 💎 📈 | Summary and Q&A

June 2, 2020
CGP Grey
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How to be a Pirate Quartermaster. 📈 💎 📈


Being a pirate is like running a business, with a business model, contracts, and rules, where all crew members are equal and share in the profits.

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Key Insights

  • ☠️ Pirate operations are similar to running a business, with a focus on profitability and reinvestment.
  • 😫 Contracts play a crucial role in setting rules, ensuring fair compensation, and defining the roles and responsibilities of crew members.
  • ☠️ Pirate crews operate under a democratic system, electing their captain and quartermaster, with majority decisions prevailing.
  • ☠️ Pirates compensate their crew members equally, aiming for a sense of camaraderie and shared success.
  • 🤩 Repair costs and personnel injuries are key challenges for pirate operations, which can impact profitability.
  • ☠️ Pirate ships seek repair and resupply services in pirate-friendly ports to avoid scrutiny.
  • 🤑 The allure of pirate life lies in the possibility of great riches, free from the constraints of traditional employment.


(Recruit) So how does this work exactly? (Quartermaster) If you'd like to be a pirate, you need understand it is a business. You can't have a crew or a ship or a brand without a business model to support them. But pirate business is like any other. Make a product or provide a service to your customers in exchange for money. Then spend that money on... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do pirates run their operations like a business?

Pirates treat piracy as a business, making and selling products/services to customers in exchange for money, which is then reinvested into the business for more profitability.

Q: What is the importance of contracts in pirate enterprises?

Contracts in pirate enterprises outline voting methods, codes of conduct, punishments, pay distribution, and workman's compensation, ensuring that all crew members have input and agree on the terms before setting sail.

Q: How are roles and compensation determined in pirate crews?

Each pirate enterprise is slightly different, but in general, there are two elected offices – the captain and the quartermaster. The captain is replaceable by a majority vote, while the quartermaster oversees the ship's operations. Crew members receive shares of the profit based on their roles, with the captain receiving two shares, the quartermaster receiving one and a half shares, and so on.

Q: Why are crew members compensated equally in pirate ships?

In pirate ships, all crew members receive equal compensation because they are all equal in achieving the common goal of making money. This contrasts with Empire and merchant ships, where captains and officers receive higher compensation and privileges, while the crew's labor is undervalued.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Pirates run their operations like a business, making and selling products/services to customers for money, which is then used to invest in equipment and personnel for further profitability.

  • Pirate companies have contracts that outline voting methods, codes of conduct, punishments, pay distribution, and workman's compensation.

  • Crew members receive shares of the profit based on their roles, with the captain and quartermaster receiving higher shares.

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