How To Be A Better YouTuber | 3 EASY Ways | Summary and Q&A

October 7, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Be A Better YouTuber | 3 EASY Ways


Watch and analyze other YouTubers' content for inspiration, educate yourself on YouTube's best practices through the Creator Academy, and keep making more videos to improve and grow your channel.

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Key Insights

  • 👀 Watching and analyzing other creators' content can provide inspiration and new ideas.
  • 👋 The YouTube Creator Academy offers valuable training on best practices and expectations for content creators.
  • 💗 Creating more videos is crucial for improving skills, attracting viewers, and growing a successful YouTube channel.
  • 🎮 Data supports the notion that making more videos correlates with channel growth and subscriber count.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Consistency and patience are important factors in becoming a better YouTuber.
  • ❓ It is essential to avoid common mistakes that hinder channel growth.
  • ❓ Continuous learning and adaptation are necessary for success on the platform.


  • I'm gonna tell you three things that will make you a better YouTuber, you don't watch it like hey, I'm trying to be entertained, but you watch other people's content and you look and see the nuances of what it is that they're doing, this is gonna help you be a better content creator, and lemme explain why. As people who make videos, or people who... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can watching other YouTubers' content help me become a better content creator?

By observing and analyzing other creators' videos, you can learn about their techniques, such as timing, scene changes, and audience connection, which can inspire new ideas for your own content.

Q: What is the YouTube Creator Academy, and how can it benefit me?

The YouTube Creator Academy is a free training course that provides guidance on YouTube's best practices, including title writing, community interaction, growth strategies, planning content, and monetization. It helps you understand what YouTube expects from creators and how to avoid common mistakes.

Q: Why is it important to make more videos?

Making more videos not only increases the amount of content on your channel but also improves your skills and expertise. The more videos you create, the better you become at editing, promoting, and engaging with your audience. Consistently adding new videos can also attract more viewers to your channel.

Q: What can I learn from the data provided by Brian G. Johnson and Phil from Two Buddy?

The data shows that on average, channels with 1,000 to 10,000 subscribers have 152 videos, channels with 10,000 to 100,000 subscribers have 418 videos, and channels with 100,000 to a million subscribers have 1,171 videos. This suggests that making more videos is vital for channel growth and success, regardless of the current subscriber count.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Watching other creators' videos can inspire and give you new ideas for your own content.

  • The YouTube Creator Academy is a free training course that provides best practices and guidance on various aspects of creating and growing a YouTube channel.

  • Making more videos not only brings in more content but also improves your skills in editing, promotion, and audience engagement.

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